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        Rebecca (2005: 8) Reading is fundamentally important for success. It opens the door to personal freedom or shuts the door to opportunity. Learning to read is a means to an end. If children have difficulty learning to read early, how can they be expected to excel in other subjects as well? The best prevention of reading difficulties, therefore, is early intervention strategies at the preschool/kindergarten level. Instead of heated debates on which approach is best suited for early reading success, educators should be discussing the most efficient method(s) that produces the best results.

        Zare (2013: 1667) Reading is a cognitive activity in It is believed that, strategic awareness and which the reader takes part in a conversation with the monitoring of the comprehension process are significantly author through the text.

         Karim & Haq (2014: 473) Reading is a combination of two sub-skills micro-skills and macro-skills. Micro-skills involve processing letters, words, orthographic patterns, recognizing word classes like nouns, verbs etc. and understanding systems like tense and syntactic structures. On the other hand macro-skills are mainly concerned with the comprehension of semantic and pragmatic knowledge.

        Perfetti (2001: 280) Reading is a processes depend on the language of the reader and the writing system that encodes that language. The units of the writing system are converted into mental representations that include the units of the language system. Specifically important are the identification of words and the engagement of language and general cognitive mechanisms that assemble these words into messages. It is visual word identification that is the process most distinctive to reading. Beginning with a visual input a string of letters perceptual processes produce the activation of the grapheme units (individual and multiple letters) that constitute words

         Cline, F., Johnstone, C., & King, T. (2006) defines reading as a decoding and understanding text for particular reader purposes. Readers decode written text by translating text to speech, and translating directly to meaning. To understand written text, readers engage in constructive processes to make text meaningful, which is the end goal or product.


Rebecca (2005) Reading Comprehension and Reading Strategies. University of Wisconsin-Stout

Zare (2012) Exploring Reading Strategy Use and Reading Comprehension Success among EFL LearnersDepartment of Foreign Languages, Islamic Azad University, Marvdasht, Iran

Karim & Haq (2014) the Process of Developing an Academic Reading Test and Evaluating Its Authenticity. Journal of Language Teaching and Research. Findland

Perfetti (2001) Reading Skills Learning Research and Development Center University of Pittsburgh

Cline, F., Johnstone, C., & King, T. (2006). Focus group reactions to three definitions of reading (as originally developed in support of NARAP goal 1). Minneapolis, MN: National Accessible Reading Assessment Projects.

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