25 Narrative Text Bahasa Inggris di Indonesia dengan Soal Pilhan ganda dan kunci Jawabannya untuk SMP dan SMA

         Sebelum menuju list Narrative text di Indonesia berikut penjelasan singkatnya, Narrative text adalah jenis teks yang bertujuan untuk menceritakan sebuah cerita atau peristiwa dengan tujuan menghibur atau mendidik pembaca. Di Indonesia, narrative text sering ditemukan dalam berbagai bentuk sastra, seperti dongeng, legenda, fabel, atau cerpen. Berikut adalah beberapa aspek penting tentang narrative text di Indonesia:

         Definisi: Narrative text adalah teks yang menceritakan sebuah kejadian atau cerita dengan struktur yang jelas, seperti orientasi, komplikasi, dan resolusi. Ini bisa melibatkan tokoh, setting, plot, dan konflik.


  1. Orientasi: Memperkenalkan latar belakang cerita, tokoh, dan setting.
  2. Komplikasi: Menceritakan masalah atau konflik yang dihadapi tokoh utama.
  3. Resolusi: Menyelesaikan konflik dan memberikan penutup cerita.

Jenis-jenis Narrative Text:

  1. Dongeng: Cerita rakyat yang sering kali melibatkan unsur magis atau fabel.
  2. Legenda: Cerita yang berkaitan dengan sejarah atau asal-usul suatu tempat atau tradisi.
  3. Fabel: Cerita yang melibatkan hewan sebagai tokoh dengan pesan moral.
  4. Cerpen (Cerita Pendek): Cerita fiksi yang singkat dan padat.


  1. Dongeng: "Si Kancil dan Buaya," yang mengisahkan kecerdikan Kancil menghadapi Buaya.
  2. Legenda: "Legenda Danau Toba," yang menjelaskan asal-usul Danau Toba dan Pulau Samosir.
  3. Fabel: "Kelinci dan Kura-kura," yang mengajarkan nilai-nilai persahabatan dan kerja keras.
  4. Cerpen: Kumpulan cerita pendek oleh penulis seperti Pramoedya Ananta Toer atau Sapardi Djoko Damono.

Ciri Khas:

  1. Menggunakan bahasa yang menarik dan deskriptif untuk menggambarkan kejadian dan karakter.
  2. Memiliki alur cerita yang jelas dengan perkembangan konflik dan resolusi.
  3. Menyampaikan pesan moral atau nilai-nilai tertentu.

         Narrative text di Indonesia sering kali digunakan dalam pendidikan untuk mengajarkan nilai-nilai, budaya, dan tradisi, serta untuk mengembangkan keterampilan membaca dan menulis siswa.

        Berikut 25 Narrative Text Bahasa Inggris di Indonesia dengan Soal Pilhan ganda dan kunci Jawabannya untuk SMP dan SMA

1. Si Kancil dan Buaya

Narrative Text: "The Mouse Deer and the Crocodile"

Once upon a time in a lush jungle, lived a clever mouse deer named Si Kancil. One day, Si Kancil was strolling by the river when he encountered a hungry crocodile lying in wait for its next meal. The crocodile had been planning to catch Si Kancil for days.

Si Kancil, known for his quick wit, immediately realized the danger he was in. To escape, he devised a clever plan. He approached the crocodile and said, "Dear Crocodile, I am on my way to the other side of the river to see the king of the jungle. I need to get across quickly. If you help me, I will tell you a secret that will make you very powerful."

Intrigued, the crocodile agreed to help and opened his jaws wide to let Si Kancil climb on his back. As they reached the middle of the river, Si Kancil suddenly exclaimed, "Look! There are so many of us now!" The crocodile, confused and excited, asked, "Where are they?" Si Kancil replied, "I am the only one here, but if you eat me, you will miss the chance to be very powerful!"

Realizing that he had been tricked, the crocodile was furious. However, it was too late. Si Kancil had already jumped off and swam to the riverbank safely, leaving the crocodile behind. The crocodile learned a valuable lesson that day: not everything that glitters is gold, and sometimes, cleverness and wit are more powerful than brute strength.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Why did Si Kancil need to cross the river?

A. To find food

B. To visit the king of the jungle

C. To escape from the jungle

D. To find a new home

2. What was the crocodile’s plan for Si Kancil?

A. To help him find food

B. To take him to the king of the jungle

C. To eat him

D. To teach him a lesson

3. What did Si Kancil promise the crocodile in exchange for help?

A. A treasure

B. A magical spell

C. A secret that would make the crocodile powerful

D. A map to a hidden place

4. How did Si Kancil trick the crocodile?

A. By pretending there were other animals in the river

B. By offering the crocodile a large meal

C. By showing the crocodile a fake map

D. By challenging the crocodile to a race

5. What did the crocodile learn from this experience?

A. To trust everyone who asks for help

B. That being strong is more important than being clever

C. That cleverness and wit can sometimes be more powerful than brute strength

D. That he should avoid rivers

Answer Key

1. B. To visit the king of the jungle

2. C. To eat him

3. C. A secret that would make the crocodile powerful

4. A. By pretending there were other animals in the river

5. C. That cleverness and wit can sometimes be more powerful than brute strength

2. Batu Menangis

Narrative Text: Batu's Tears

Once upon a time in a quiet village, there was a large, smooth rock named Batu. Batu had always been a steadfast and silent observer of the world around him. Though he was an inanimate object, Batu had a heart full of emotions. He watched over the children as they played and the animals as they roamed, and he was content with his life.

One day, however, Batu noticed something that made him very sad. The villagers had started to build a new road, and in the process, they were moving rocks from the area where Batu lived. Batu saw his friends being taken away and felt a deep sense of loss. The thought of losing his place in the village and being left alone made Batu cry for the first time in his existence. His tears rolled down his surface, and the villagers, puzzled by the sight of the crying rock, stopped their work for a moment to wonder about Batu's sorrow.

As the villagers gathered around Batu, they began to understand the rock's feelings. They decided to carefully move Batu to a new spot where he could still be part of their lives. Batu was touched by their kindness and felt a sense of belonging again. Although the road construction continued, Batu was no longer alone, and he knew he was loved.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What was Batu’s initial reaction to the road construction?

A. Excitement

B. Anger

C. Sadness

D. Indifference

2. How did Batu express his emotions?

A. By shouting

B. By moving

C. By crying

D. By glowing

3. What did the villagers do when they saw Batu crying?

A. They ignored him

B. They laughed

C. They wondered about his sorrow

D. They continued their work without interruption

4. What was the outcome for Batu after the villagers gathered around him?

A. He was left alone

B. He was moved to a new spot

C. He was broken into pieces

D. He was discarded

5. How did Batu feel after being moved to a new spot?

A. More sad

B. Confused

C. Loved and content

D. Frustrated

Answer Key

1. C. Sadness

2. C. By crying

3. C. They wondered about his sorrow

4. B. He was moved to a new spot

5. C. Loved and content

3. Lutung Kasarung

Once upon a time in a kingdom in Java, there was a beautiful princess named Purbasari. She had a kind and generous heart, but her life was turned upside down when her jealous half-sister, Purbararang, conspired against her. Purbararang was envious of Purbasari’s beauty and kindness and wanted to take her place as queen.

Purbararang tricked Purbasari into going to a forest, where she was cursed by an evil witch to become a monkey. Heartbroken and abandoned, Purbasari roamed the forest in her new form. One day, a kind-hearted prince named Lutung Kasarung, who was also under a spell, found her. He was originally a prince who had been transformed into a monkey as punishment for his own misdeeds.

Lutung Kasarung, seeing Purbasari's suffering, decided to help her. Together, they faced numerous challenges and eventually, through their bravery and kindness, broke the curses placed upon them. Lutung Kasarung's true identity as a prince was revealed, and he and Purbasari were able to return to the kingdom. They were married and lived happily ever after, ruling the kingdom with wisdom and compassion.

Multiple-Choice Questions:

1. What was Purbasari's initial problem in the story?

A) She was cursed to become a monkey by her stepmother.

B) She was abandoned by her father.

C) She was lost in the forest.

D) She was kidnapped by a dragon.

2. Who helped Purbasari in the forest?

A) A brave knight.

B) A magical lion.

C) Lutung Kasarung.

D) An old woman.

3. What was Lutung Kasarung’s original form?

A) A wizard.

B) A dragon.

C) A prince.

D) A merchant.

4. Why was Lutung Kasarung transformed into a monkey?

A) For his kindness.

B) For stealing from the kingdom.

C) For his bravery.

D) For his misdeeds.

5. What was the outcome of the story?

A) Purbasari and Lutung Kasarung remained in the forest.

B) They returned to the kingdom and lived unhappily.

C) They were married and ruled the kingdom wisely.

D) They were both turned into animals forever.

Answers keys:

1. A) She was cursed to become a monkey by her stepmother.

2. C) Lutung Kasarung.

3. C) A prince.

4. D) For his misdeeds.

5. C) They were married and ruled the kingdom wisely.

4. Timun Mas

Once upon a time, in a small village, there lived a poor couple who had always wanted a child. One day, a giant gave the couple a magical cucumber seed, promising that if they grew it, they would have a child. The couple planted the seed, and soon, a beautiful baby girl named Timun Mas was born.

As Timun Mas grew up, she was known for her kindness and bravery. However, a giant who had once given the seed was not happy about Timun Mas’s existence. He wanted her back. One day, the giant came to take her away, but Timun Mas was ready. She had been given magical items to protect herself: a bag of salt, a needle, and a cucumber.

When the giant came to take her, Timun Mas used the items to defend herself. She threw the salt, which turned into a salty sea, causing the giant to get stuck. She used the needle to create a thorny forest, which slowed the giant down. Finally, she threw the cucumber, which turned into a huge, thick fog that disoriented the giant. With these magical tools, Timun Mas managed to escape and live peacefully ever after.

Multiple-Choice Questions

1. Who gave the cucumber seed to the couple?

A. A fairy

B. A giant

C. A wizard

D. A dragon

2. What was the name of the baby girl born from the cucumber seed?

A. Timun Emas

B. Timun Mas

C. Cucumber Princess

D. Salt Princess

3. Which item did Timun Mas use to create a thorny forest?

A. A needle

B. A cucumber

C. A bag of salt

D. A magic wand

4. What did Timun Mas use to create a salty sea?

A. A cucumber

B. A bag of salt

C. A needle

D. A magical spell

5. How did Timun Mas ultimately escape from the giant?

A. By climbing a tree

B. By using the magical items

C. By hiding in a cave

D. By running to another village

Answer Key:

1. B. A giant

2. B. Timun Mas

3. A. A needle

4. B. A bag of salt

5. B. By using the magical items

5. Malin Kundang

The Tale of the Ungrateful Son

Once upon a time, in a small village on the west coast of Sumatra, lived a poor widow and her only son, Malin Kundang. Despite their hardships, Malin's mother loved him dearly and worked hard to provide for him. As Malin grew older, he became determined to change his fate. He wanted to become rich and famous, so one day, he decided to leave his village and seek his fortune in the city.

With his mother's reluctant blessing, Malin boarded a merchant ship and set sail. Over the years, he worked hard and eventually became a successful trader. He amassed great wealth and even married a beautiful woman from a noble family. However, Malin was so consumed by his new life that he forgot about his mother and his humble beginnings.

One day, Malin and his wife decided to visit his homeland. When the ship arrived at the village, the news of Malin's return spread quickly. His mother, now old and frail, was overjoyed. She rushed to the harbor, hoping to reunite with her beloved son. However, when Malin saw the poor, ragged woman, he was ashamed to acknowledge her. He denied that she was his mother and ordered her to leave.

Heartbroken and humiliated, Malin's mother prayed to God to punish her ungrateful son. As soon as she finished her prayer, the sky darkened, and a violent storm erupted. The waves grew tall, and Malin's ship was thrown around like a toy. In an instant, his ship was struck by lightning and turned to stone. Malin himself was also cursed and turned into a stone statue, left to stand on the shore as a reminder of his arrogance and ingratitude.

Multiple Choice Questions:

1. Why did Malin Kundang leave his village? 

a) To find his mother

b) To seek his fortune

c) To study in the city

d) To escape from pirates

2. What happened to Malin after he became successful? 

a) He returned to his mother immediately

b) He forgot about his mother

c) He lost all his wealth

d) He was captured by pirates

3. How did Malin's mother react when she saw him again? 

a) She was angry and ignored him

b) She demanded money from him

c) She was overjoyed and rushed to meet him

d) She didn't recognize him

4. What did Malin do when he saw his mother at the harbor? 

a) He embraced her warmly

b) He pretended not to know her

c) He invited her to his ship

d) He gave her money

5. How was Malin punished for his actions? 

a) He was turned into a bird

b) His wealth was taken away

c) He and his ship were turned into stone

d) He was struck by lightning and died

Answer Key:

1. b) To seek his fortune

2. b) He forgot about his mother

3. c) She was overjoyed and rushed to meet him

4. b) He pretended not to know her

5. c) He and his ship were turned into stone

6. Cinderella dari Sumatera

Cinderella from Sumatra

Once upon a time, in a small village in Sumatra, lived a beautiful girl named Cinderella. She lived with her father and stepmother, along with her two stepsisters. After her father passed away, Cinderella was treated poorly by her stepmother and stepsisters. They forced her to do all the housework, from cooking to cleaning, while they did nothing but enjoy a life of luxury.

One day, the prince of the kingdom announced that he would hold a grand ball at his palace to find a bride. Every young woman in the kingdom was invited. Cinderella desperately wanted to go, but her stepmother refused to let her. She was heartbroken, but then, a kind fairy appeared. The fairy used her magic to give Cinderella a beautiful gown and a pair of sparkling glass slippers. She also turned a pumpkin into a carriage and mice into horses to take her to the ball.

The fairy warned her, "Remember, you must return before midnight. At that time, the magic will disappear."

Cinderella arrived at the ball, and everyone, including the prince, was captivated by her beauty. The prince danced with her all night, and they fell in love. However, as the clock struck midnight, Cinderella had to flee the palace, leaving behind one of her glass slippers.

The next day, the prince searched the entire kingdom, trying the slipper on every girl until he found Cinderella. They were married in a grand ceremony, and Cinderella finally escaped her life of misery. She and the prince lived happily ever after.

Multiple Choice Questions:

1. Why was Cinderella treated poorly by her stepmother and stepsisters?

a) Because she was lazy

b) Because she was more beautiful than them

c) Because they were jealous of her wealth

d) Because she was not their real daughter

2. How did Cinderella get to the ball?

a) She walked to the palace

b) Her stepmother finally allowed her to go

c) A fairy godmother helped her

d) She borrowed a dress from a friend

3. What did the fairy godmother turn into horses to pull Cinderella’s carriage?

a) Pumpkins

b) Mice

c) Birds

d) Cats

4. What happened at midnight during the ball?

a) Cinderella revealed her identity

b) The prince proposed to Cinderella

c) Cinderella’s magical transformation ended

d) The prince left the ball

5. How did the prince find Cinderella after the ball?

a) He asked everyone at the ball

b) He followed her home

c) He searched the kingdom with the glass slipper

d) He sent a letter to her house

Answer Key:

1. d) Because she was not their real daughter

2. c) A fairy godmother helped her

3. b) Mice

4. c) Cinderella’s magical transformation ended

5. c) He searched the kingdom with the glass slipper

7. Bawang Merah dan Bawang Putih

Narrative Text: The Story of Bawang Merah and Bawang Putih

Once upon a time in a village lived a widow with two daughters, Bawang Merah and Bawang Putih. Bawang Putih, the widow's stepdaughter, was beautiful, kind-hearted, and hardworking. Meanwhile, Bawang Merah, her biological daughter, was lazy, greedy, and envious of Bawang Putih's beauty.

Every day, Bawang Putih was treated poorly by her stepmother and stepsister. She had to do all the house chores while Bawang Merah did nothing. Despite this, Bawang Putih never complained and always fulfilled her duties with patience.

One day, Bawang Putih accidentally lost her stepmother’s favorite scarf while washing clothes by the river. Frightened, she searched for it and followed the river downstream. After walking for hours, she came upon a hut owned by an old woman. Bawang Putih asked the old woman if she had seen the scarf.

The old woman told Bawang Putih that she had indeed found the scarf, but she asked Bawang Putih to stay and help her with some chores for a few days in exchange for the scarf. Being kind and helpful, Bawang Putih gladly agreed.

After several days, the old woman gave the scarf back to Bawang Putih. She also offered her a reward: a small or a big pumpkin. Bawang Putih, being modest, chose the small pumpkin. She thanked the old woman and returned home.

When Bawang Putih got home, she opened the pumpkin and was surprised to find it filled with gold and jewels. Her stepmother and Bawang Merah, filled with greed, demanded to know where Bawang Putih had gotten the treasures. Bawang Putih reluctantly told them the whole story.

The next day, Bawang Merah went to the river to deliberately lose one of her mother’s belongings. She followed the river to the old woman’s hut, but unlike Bawang Putih, Bawang Merah was rude and lazy. Instead of helping the old woman, she demanded the return of her mother’s item. The old woman gave her the same choice: to stay and help or leave with nothing. Bawang Merah chose to do nothing but still expected a reward.

Finally, the old woman gave her the choice between a small or big pumpkin. Out of greed, Bawang Merah chose the big one. When she returned home and opened the pumpkin, instead of gold and jewels, it was filled with snakes and insects. Bawang Merah and her mother were horrified, realizing that greed and cruelty led to misfortune, while kindness brought true happiness.

Multiple Choice Questions:

1. What kind of person was Bawang Putih? 

a. Lazy

b. Greedy

c. Kind-hearted

d. Arrogant

2. What did Bawang Putih lose by the river? 

a. A scarf

b. A necklace

c. A bracelet

d. A ring

3. Why did the old woman give Bawang Putih a reward? 

a. Because Bawang Putih helped her

b. Because Bawang Putih was rich

c. Because Bawang Putih was related to her

d. Because Bawang Putih demanded it

4. What was inside the pumpkin that Bawang Putih chose? 

a. Fruits

b. Jewels and gold

c. Snakes and insects

d. Clothes

5. What lesson can be learned from the story of Bawang Merah and Bawang Putih? 

a. Being greedy leads to fortune

b. Helping others will bring bad luck

c. Kindness brings happiness, while greed leads to misfortune

d. Wealth is more important than kindness

Answer Key:

1. c. Kind-hearted

2. a. A scarf

3. a. Because Bawang Putih helped her

4. b. Jewels and gold

5. c. Kindness brings happiness, while greed leads to misfortune

8. Legenda Roro Jonggrang

The Legend of Roro Jonggrang

Once upon a time, in the ancient land of Prambanan, there were two powerful kingdoms: the Kingdom of Pengging and the Kingdom of Baka. The ruler of Pengging, King Damar Moyo, had a brave and strong son named Bandung Bondowoso. Meanwhile, the Kingdom of Baka was ruled by a giant king named Prabu Baka, who was feared for his cruelty.

One day, Bandung Bondowoso was sent by his father to attack the Kingdom of Baka. A fierce battle took place, but in the end, Bandung Bondowoso managed to defeat and kill Prabu Baka. After the victory, Bandung Bondowoso went to the palace and saw the most beautiful woman he had ever laid eyes on. She was Princess Roro Jonggrang, the daughter of Prabu Baka.

Bandung Bondowoso instantly fell in love with Roro Jonggrang and asked for her hand in marriage. However, Roro Jonggrang was horrified at the idea of marrying the man who killed her father. To avoid the marriage, she devised a plan. She told Bandung Bondowoso that she would marry him, but only if he could build her a thousand temples in one night.

Although Bandung Bondowoso was surprised by the request, he agreed. He summoned supernatural beings and used his magical powers to help him build the temples. As dawn approached, 999 temples were completed. Fearing that Bandung Bondowoso would fulfill his task, Roro Jonggrang ordered the village women to start pounding rice and light fires to make it appear as if the sun was rising.

The supernatural beings, thinking the morning had come, stopped their work and disappeared. When Bandung Bondowoso realized he had been tricked, he was furious. In his anger, he cursed Roro Jonggrang, turning her into a statue to complete the thousandth temple. That statue still stands today in the Prambanan Temple, known as the Roro Jonggrang statue.

Multiple Choice Questions:

1. What was the name of the kingdom ruled by Prabu Baka?

a. Pengging

b. Prambanan

c. Baka

d. Roro Jonggrang

2. Who did Bandung Bondowoso fall in love with? 

a. The Queen of Pengging

b. The Princess of Baka

c. A village woman

d. The Goddess of Prambanan

3. What condition did Roro Jonggrang give to Bandung Bondowoso for marriage? 

a. To defeat her father

b. To build a thousand temples in one night

c. To conquer another kingdom

d. To bring her a magical stone

4. How many temples did Bandung Bondowoso manage to build? 

a. 1000

b. 999

c. 500

d. 100

5. What happened to Roro Jonggrang at the end of the story? 

a. She married Bandung Bondowoso

b. She ran away to another kingdom

c. She was turned into a statue

d. She became the queen of Baka

Answer Key:

1. c

2. b

3. b

4. b

5. c

9. Sangkuriang

Sangkuriang: The Legend of Tangkuban Perahu

A long time ago, in the land of West Java, there lived a prince named Sangkuriang. He was a brave and strong young man who loved to hunt in the forest. One day, while hunting, Sangkuriang accidentally killed his beloved dog, Tumang, which he did not know was his father in disguise. Filled with rage, he returned home and told his mother, Dayang Sumbi, what had happened. Dayang Sumbi was devastated and, in a fit of anger, hit Sangkuriang on the head with a rice spoon, leaving a scar. Sangkuriang, feeling betrayed, decided to leave the village.

Years passed, and Sangkuriang became a handsome and powerful warrior. After many years of wandering, he returned to his homeland, not realizing that the beautiful woman he met was his mother, Dayang Sumbi, who had remained youthful due to her divine powers. They fell in love, and Sangkuriang proposed marriage. However, Dayang Sumbi soon recognized the scar on Sangkuriang’s head and realized he was her son. Horrified by this, she tried to stop the marriage without revealing the truth.

To prevent the marriage, Dayang Sumbi set an impossible task for Sangkuriang: to build a large dam and a boat in one night. Sangkuriang, using his supernatural powers, nearly completed the task, but before dawn, Dayang Sumbi tricked him by creating the illusion of daylight. Enraged that he had failed, Sangkuriang kicked the unfinished boat, which turned into Mount Tangkuban Perahu, a famous mountain in West Java that looks like an upside-down boat.

Multiple-Choice Questions

1. What did Sangkuriang accidentally kill while hunting?

A. A deer

B. His father

C. His dog

D. A tiger

2. Why did Dayang Sumbi try to stop the marriage between Sangkuriang and herself?

A. She didn't like Sangkuriang.

B. She recognized that Sangkuriang was her son.

C. She was already married.

D. She wanted to test Sangkuriang.

3. What task did Dayang Sumbi give to Sangkuriang to prevent the marriage?

A. To find a rare flower

B. To kill a wild animal

C. To build a dam and a boat in one night

D. To climb a mountain

4. How did Dayang Sumbi prevent Sangkuriang from completing the task?

A. She destroyed his tools.

B. She created the illusion of daylight.

C. She told him the truth about their relationship.

D. She used magic to stop him.

5. What did Mount Tangkuban Perahu symbolize in the story?

A. The love between Sangkuriang and Dayang Sumbi

B. The boat Sangkuriang failed to finish

C. Sangkuriang's anger

D. A mountain created by the gods

Answer Key

  1. C
  2. B
  3. C
  4. B
  5. B

10. Kancil dan Kura-Kura

Narrative Text: The Mouse Deer and the Tortoise

Once upon a time, in a lush forest, lived a cunning Mouse Deer and a slow but wise Tortoise. The Mouse Deer was known for his cleverness and agility, while the Tortoise was famous for his patience and persistence. One day, the Mouse Deer met the Tortoise by the river and bragged about how fast he was. "You are so slow, Tortoise. I bet I can beat you in any race," said the Mouse Deer, laughing.

The Tortoise, calm and composed, replied, "Why don't we have a race tomorrow morning? We can see who is truly the fastest." The Mouse Deer, confident that he would win easily, accepted the challenge. The next morning, they gathered at the starting line. As soon as the race began, the Mouse Deer sprinted ahead, leaving the Tortoise far behind. Confident of his victory, the Mouse Deer decided to take a nap under a tree, thinking that the Tortoise would never catch up.

However, while the Mouse Deer was asleep, the Tortoise kept moving steadily. When the Mouse Deer woke up, he was shocked to see the Tortoise nearing the finish line. The Mouse Deer ran as fast as he could, but it was too late. The Tortoise crossed the finish line first and won the race. The Mouse Deer learned that arrogance and overconfidence can lead to failure, while patience and perseverance are the keys to success.

Multiple-Choice Questions:

1. What was the Mouse Deer known for? 

a. His patience

b. His speed and cleverness

c. His kindness

d. His wisdom

2. Why did the Mouse Deer take a nap during the race? 

a. He was tired

b. He thought the Tortoise was too slow

c. He wanted to give the Tortoise a chance

d. He felt sick

3. What lesson did the Mouse Deer learn in the end? 

a. It's important to be kind

b. Overconfidence can lead to failure

c. Being fast always ensures success

d. Winning is everything

4. How did the Tortoise win the race? 

a. By being clever

b. By running quickly

c. By using shortcuts

d. By being steady and persistent

5. What is the main theme of the story? 

a. Honesty

b. Friendship

c. Patience and perseverance

d. Teamwork

Answer Key:

  1. b
  2. b
  3. b
  4. d
  5. c

11. Nyi Roro Kidul

Narrative Text: Nyi Roro Kidul

Nyi Roro Kidul, the legendary Queen of the Southern Sea, is a powerful and mysterious figure in Javanese mythology. According to legend, she rules the waters of the Indian Ocean and protects the coastal regions of Java. Many believe that she can control the waves and the winds, and she is said to have a magnificent underwater palace where she lives with her royal court. Fishermen and sailors are often warned not to wear green when venturing near the southern coast, as it is believed that the queen favors this color and may take those who wear it into her realm beneath the sea.

The origins of Nyi Roro Kidul are shrouded in myth. Some stories claim she was once a beautiful princess cursed by black magic, while others say she was born a sea spirit. Despite these varying tales, she is universally revered and respected. Many Javanese people offer her prayers and sacrifices to avoid her wrath and seek her blessings for safety at sea. Nyi Roro Kidul is often associated with the Sultanate of Yogyakarta, where the kings are believed to have a special spiritual connection with her.

Her influence remains strong even today, with people still performing rituals and making offerings to honor her. Every year, rituals are held on the southern coast, such as Labuhan, where the people throw offerings like flowers, food, and clothing into the sea as a tribute to the Queen. Her legend has also made her a popular figure in Indonesian culture, inspiring numerous books, films, and artworks. The mysterious nature of Nyi Roro Kidul continues to captivate the imagination of many people in Indonesia and beyond.

Multiple-Choice Questions:

1. Who is Nyi Roro Kidul according to the narrative? 

a. A princess from Java

b. The Queen of the Southern Sea

c. A fisherman

d. A princess from Yogyakarta

2. What color should people avoid wearing near the southern coast according to the legend? 

a. Blue

b. Red

c. Green

d. White

3. What is one of the rituals mentioned in the narrative that people perform to honor Nyi Roro Kidul? 

a. Labuhan

b. Nyepi

c. Barong

d. Kuda Lumping

4. What does Nyi Roro Kidul control according to the narrative? 

a. The mountains

b. The rain

c. The waves and the winds

d. The forests

5. Where do people believe Nyi Roro Kidul lives? 

a. In a palace in the mountains

b. In an underwater palace

c. In the Sultanate of Yogyakarta

d. In a temple by the sea

Answer Key:

  1. b. The Queen of the Southern Sea
  2. c. Green
  3. a. Labuhan
  4. c. The waves and the winds
  5. b. In an underwater palace

12. Sangkuriang dan Tangkuban Perahu

Narrative Text: The Legend of Sangkuriang and Tangkuban Perahu

Once upon a time in West Java, Indonesia, there lived a beautiful woman named Dayang Sumbi. She had a son named Sangkuriang, who was very energetic and often went hunting in the forest. One day, while hunting, Sangkuriang accidentally killed his beloved dog, Tumang, who was actually his father cursed into the form of a dog. When Sangkuriang returned home and told his mother what had happened, she became furious and hit him on the head with a wooden spoon, causing a scar. Upset by this, Sangkuriang ran away from home.

Years later, Sangkuriang returned to his village as a grown man. He met and fell in love with a beautiful woman, unaware that she was his own mother, Dayang Sumbi, who had remained young thanks to her magical powers. Dayang Sumbi, however, eventually recognized the scar on Sangkuriang's head and realized that he was her son. Horrified by this, she tried to prevent the marriage by setting an impossible condition. She asked Sangkuriang to build a large boat and a lake in one night.

Sangkuriang, determined to fulfill the request, called upon supernatural powers to help him. He was close to completing the task when Dayang Sumbi used her magic to make the sun rise earlier than usual. Seeing that he had failed, Sangkuriang became enraged and kicked the boat, which flipped upside down and turned into Mount Tangkuban Perahu, a volcano that resembles an upside-down boat. The lake that was supposed to be formed became what is now known as Lake Bandung.

Multiple-Choice Questions:

1. What caused Dayang Sumbi to become angry with Sangkuriang? 

a) He got lost in the forest.

b) He killed his father.

c) He broke a valuable object.

d) He refused to go hunting.

e) He disobeyed his mother.

2. How did Dayang Sumbi recognize that Sangkuriang was her son? 

a) From his voice.

b) From his eyes.

c) From his scar.

d) From his magical powers.

e) From his dog.

3. What task did Dayang Sumbi ask Sangkuriang to complete? 

a) Build a house.

b) Hunt down a mythical creature.

c) Create a river.

d) Build a boat and a lake.

e) Capture Tumang.

4. What happened after Sangkuriang failed to complete the task? 

a) He left the village.

b) He turned into a volcano.

c) He kicked the boat, which became Mount Tangkuban Perahu.

d) He reconciled with Dayang Sumbi.

e) He built another boat.

5. What does Mount Tangkuban Perahu represent in the legend? 

a) The dog Tumang.

b) An upside-down boat.

c) Dayang Sumbi’s home.

d) A magical lake.

e) A volcano formed by Sangkuriang’s anger.

Kunci Jawaban:

  1. b) He killed his father.
  2. c) From his scar.
  3. d) Build a boat and a lake.
  4. c) He kicked the boat, which became Mount Tangkuban Perahu.
  5. b) An upside-down boat.

13. Jaka Tarub dan 7 Bidadari

Narrative Text: Jaka Tarub and the Seven Fairies

Once upon a time, in a small village in Java, there lived a young man named Jaka Tarub. He was a handsome and kind-hearted villager who enjoyed spending his days in the forest. One day, while wandering near a secluded waterfall, he came across seven beautiful fairies who had descended from the heavens to bathe in the water. Jaka Tarub watched in awe as the fairies danced and laughed, their wings shimmering in the sunlight. After a while, the fairies left their clothes by the riverbank and dived into the water.

Curiosity got the better of Jaka Tarub, and he quietly approached the riverbank. Among the colorful robes, he secretly took one belonging to the youngest and most beautiful fairy, Nawangwulan. Without her robe, Nawangwulan was unable to fly back to the sky with her sisters. Panicked and saddened, she searched for her robe but couldn't find it. Jaka Tarub, pretending to be unaware, approached and offered to help. Over time, they grew close, and Nawangwulan agreed to marry him, not knowing that he was the one who had taken her robe.

For years, they lived happily together and had a daughter. Nawangwulan, however, still wished to return to her home in the sky. One day, while Jaka Tarub was out, she discovered her hidden robe in a rice barn. Heartbroken by her husband's deception, she decided to leave and return to the heavens, but not before telling Jaka Tarub that she still loved him. Jaka Tarub was left to raise their daughter alone, filled with regret for his actions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What did Jaka Tarub take from the fairies? 

a. A pair of wings

b. A robe

c. A crown

d. A necklace

2. Why couldn't Nawangwulan return to the sky? 

a. She lost her wings

b. She forgot the way

c. Jaka Tarub hid her robe

d. The waterfall dried up

3. What was the result of Jaka Tarub's actions? 

a. He became a fairy

b. He married Nawangwulan

c. He moved to another village

d. He found a treasure

4. What did Nawangwulan discover in the rice barn? 

a. A hidden treasure

b. A letter from her sisters

c. Her robe

d. A secret map

5. What did Nawangwulan do after finding her robe? 

a. She burned it

b. She stayed with Jaka Tarub

c. She returned to the heavens

d. She gave it to her daughter

Answer Key:

  1. b. A robe
  2. c. Jaka Tarub hid her robe
  3. b. He married Nawangwulan
  4. c. Her robe
  5. c. She returned to the heavens

14. Putri Salju dari Jawa

15. Kera Sakti

16. Tangguh dan Siti Nurbaya

17. Si Pitung

18. Legenda Danau Toba

19. Jaka Sembung

20. Batu Akik

21. Kembang Tanjung

22. Kisah Legenda Lutung Kasarung

23. Kisah Angker dan Malam Jumat

24. Putri Duyung

25. Legenda Pulau Seribu

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