Hortatory text about Dreams with 10 vocabulary test and then key answer untuk lampiran skripsi bahasa Inggris

         Hortatory text adalah jenis teks yang bertujuan untuk mengajak atau membujuk pembaca agar melakukan atau tidak melakukan suatu tindakan tertentu. Struktur dasar dari hortatory text terdiri dari tiga bagian utama: tesis, argumen, dan rekomendasi. Pada bagian tesis, penulis menyampaikan isu atau topik yang akan dibahas serta pandangannya terhadap topik tersebut. Bagian argumen berisi alasan-alasan yang mendukung pandangan penulis, disertai dengan bukti atau data yang relevan untuk memperkuat argumen tersebut. Bagian rekomendasi adalah penutup yang berisi saran atau ajakan kepada pembaca untuk mengambil tindakan yang diusulkan oleh penulis.

           Hortatory text sering digunakan dalam berbagai konteks seperti artikel opini, pidato, dan kampanye iklan sosial. Tujuan utamanya adalah untuk mempengaruhi sikap dan perilaku pembaca atau pendengar. Penggunaan bahasa persuasif dan penyajian argumen yang logis dan meyakinkan sangat penting dalam teks ini. Selain itu, penulis biasanya menggunakan gaya bahasa yang kuat dan emosional untuk menarik perhatian dan membangkitkan respon dari audiens. Dengan struktur yang sistematis dan argumen yang kuat, hortatory text efektif dalam menyampaikan pesan dan memotivasi tindakan yang diinginkan

         Berikut Hortatory text about Dreams with 10 vocabulary test and then key answer

Dreams: The Pathway to Success

           Dreams are not just figments of our imagination; they are the blueprints of our future. When we dream, we envision a reality that transcends our current limitations. These aspirations fuel our ambition and drive us to achieve the impossible. By nurturing our dreams, we cultivate a sense of purpose and direction in life. It is crucial to hold onto our dreams and never let them fade, for they are the catalysts that propel us toward our goals.

          Pursuing dreams requires unwavering determination and resilience. The journey is often fraught with obstacles, but these challenges only serve to strengthen our resolve. Embracing failure as a stepping stone rather than a setback is essential in the quest for success. Each setback provides valuable lessons and insights that refine our strategies and bolster our perseverance. By remaining steadfast and adaptable, we can navigate the tumultuous path toward our aspirations with confidence.

            Ultimately, dreams are the essence of innovation and progress. They inspire us to break new ground and push the boundaries of what is possible. When we follow our dreams, we contribute to the collective advancement of society by bringing forth novel ideas and solutions. Encouraging others to pursue their dreams fosters a culture of creativity and collaboration. In this way, dreams not only transform our personal lives but also shape the world for the better.

Vocabulary Test:

  1. Blueprint
  2. Ambition
  3. Cultivate
  4. Catalysts
  5. Unwavering
  6. Resilience
  7. Stepping stone
  8. Tumultuous
  9. Adaptable
  10. Innovation

Key Answer:

  1. Blueprint - a detailed plan or program of action.
  2. Ambition - a strong desire to achieve something.
  3. Cultivate - to foster the growth of; to improve by labor, care, or study.
  4. Catalysts - agents that provoke or speed significant change or action.
  5. Unwavering - steady or resolute; not wavering.
  6. Resilience - the ability to recover quickly from difficulties.
  7. Stepping stone - an event or experience that helps you achieve something else.
  8. Tumultuous - full of tumult or disorder; chaotic.
  9. Adaptable - able to adjust to new conditions.
  10. Innovation - the introduction of something new; a new idea, method, or device.

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