The Story of Ki Ageng Selo: Narrative Text with 10 multiple choices test and then key answers

The Story of Ki Ageng Selo

Once upon a time, in the lush hills of Java, there lived a wise and revered man named Ki Ageng Selo. He was known throughout the land for his deep knowledge of mysticism and his ability to commune with the spirits of nature. Ki Ageng Selo spent his days wandering the forests, meditating by tranquil streams, and offering guidance to those who sought his wisdom.

One day, a young prince from a neighboring kingdom sought out Ki Ageng Selo. The prince was troubled by the responsibilities of ruling his kingdom and sought guidance from the wise sage. Ki Ageng Selo welcomed the prince warmly and listened to his concerns with compassion. He then imparted to the prince the importance of balance, humility, and integrity in leadership, teaching him that true power comes from serving others selflessly.

Grateful for the sage's wisdom, the prince returned to his kingdom with a newfound sense of purpose and direction. Under his reign, the kingdom flourished, and the people lived in peace and prosperity. Ki Ageng Selo continued to wander the hills of Java, sharing his teachings with all who crossed his path, leaving a legacy of enlightenment and inspiration for generations to come.

Multiple Choice Test:

1. Where did Ki Ageng Selo live?

a) In a bustling city

b) In the lush hills of Java

c) In a desert

d) On a remote island

2. What was Ki Ageng Selo known for?

a) His cooking skills

b) His ability to commune with spirits

c) His talent for singing

d) His expertise in martial arts

3. What did the young prince seek from Ki Ageng Selo?

a) Money

b) Guidance

c) A magical potion

d) A treasure map

4. What did Ki Ageng Selo teach the young prince?

a) The importance of selfishness

b) The significance of humility and integrity in leadership

c) How to conquer neighboring kingdoms

d) The art of deception

5. How did the kingdom fare under the prince's reign?

a) It fell into ruin

b) It experienced war and turmoil

c) It flourished and prospered

d) It remained stagnant

6. What did Ki Ageng Selo do after guiding the prince?

a) He retired to a monastery

b) He became a ruler himself

c) He continued to wander and share his teachings

d) He disappeared mysteriously

7. What legacy did Ki Ageng Selo leave behind?

a) A legacy of ignorance

b) A legacy of enlightenment and inspiration

c) A legacy of destruction

d) A legacy of tyranny

8. Where did Ki Ageng Selo meditate?

a) By a busy marketplace

b) In a dark cave

c) By tranquil streams

d) In a crowded palace

9. What did Ki Ageng Selo spend his days doing?

a) Fighting battles

b) Sleeping

c) Wandering the forests and offering guidance

d) Hoarding riches

10. What qualities did Ki Ageng Selo emphasize in his teachings?

a) Greed and selfishness

b) Balance, humility, and integrity

c) Laziness and arrogance

d) Deception and manipulation

Key Answers:

  1. b) In the lush hills of Java
  2. b) His ability to commune with spirits
  3. b) Guidance
  4. b) The significance of humility and integrity in leadership
  5. c) It flourished and prospered
  6. c) He continued to wander and share his teachings
  7. b) A legacy of enlightenment and inspiration
  8. c) By tranquil streams
  9. c) Wandering the forests and offering guidance
  10. b) Balance, humility, and integrity

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