Narrative Text The story of Dewi Sri with 10 essay test dan key answer

The Tale of Dewi Sri: A Narrative of Fertility and Harvest

          In the lush, verdant lands of Java, Indonesia, there once lived a beautiful goddess named Dewi Sri. She was revered as the goddess of rice and fertility, embodying the essence of prosperity and abundance. Legends whispered of her divine origins, born from the union of the supreme god Batara Kala and a mortal woman.

          Dewi Sri's presence was believed to be essential for the prosperity of the rice fields. Farmers prayed to her for bountiful harvests, offering rituals and ceremonies to honor her divine grace. According to the myth, she resided within the stalks of rice, watching over the fields and ensuring their fertility.

          However, tragedy struck when a wicked giant named Kebo Iwa attempted to claim Dewi Sri as his own. In his jealousy and greed, he plotted to possess her, disrupting the balance of nature. Dewi Sri, aware of the danger, transformed herself into a small lice and hid within the rice fields.

          As the story goes, Kebo Iwa, unable to find Dewi Sri, destroyed the rice fields in his rage. But from the destruction emerged a miraculous discovery: rice grains, symbolizing the goddess's enduring presence and the cycle of renewal. The farmers, grateful for Dewi Sri's protection and the gift of rice, vowed to honor her for eternity.

Essay Test:

1. Describe Dewi Sri and her significance in Indonesian mythology.

Dewi Sri is a revered goddess in Indonesian mythology, known as the goddess of rice and fertility. She symbolizes prosperity and abundance, and her presence is believed to be essential for bountiful harvests in the rice fields of Java.

2. Explain the origins of Dewi Sri according to legend.

According to legend, Dewi Sri was born from the union of the supreme god Batara Kala and a mortal woman. Her divine origins are shrouded in mystery, adding to her mystique and significance in Indonesian mythology.

3. What role did Dewi Sri play in the prosperity of the rice fields?

Dewi Sri was believed to watch over the rice fields and ensure their fertility. Farmers prayed to her for bountiful harvests, offering rituals and ceremonies to honor her divine grace. Her presence was considered essential for the prosperity of the rice fields.

4. Who was Kebo Iwa, and what was his role in the story of Dewi Sri?

Kebo Iwa was a wicked giant who coveted Dewi Sri and sought to possess her out of jealousy and greed. His actions disrupted the balance of nature and posed a threat to the prosperity of the rice fields.

5. How did Dewi Sri protect herself from Kebo Iwa?

Dewi Sri transformed herself into a small lice and hid within the rice fields to escape Kebo Iwa's pursuit.

6. What happened when Kebo Iwa failed to find Dewi Sri?

In his rage, Kebo Iwa destroyed the rice fields. However, from the destruction emerged a miraculous discovery: rice grains, symbolizing Dewi Sri's enduring presence and the cycle of renewal.

7. What did the farmers vow to do after witnessing Dewi Sri's protection and the gift of rice?

The farmers vowed to honor Dewi Sri for eternity, recognizing her role in protecting their crops and providing them with the gift of rice.

8. Discuss the symbolism of rice grains in the story of Dewi Sri.

Rice grains symbolize Dewi Sri's enduring presence, the cycle of renewal, and the resilience of nature. They represent abundance and prosperity, reinforcing Dewi Sri's significance as the goddess of rice and fertility.

9. How does the story of Dewi Sri reflect the importance of nature and balance in Indonesian culture?

The story highlights the interconnectedness of nature and humanity, emphasizing the importance of respecting and honoring the natural world. It underscores the need for balance and harmony to ensure prosperity and abundance in agricultural societies like Indonesia.

10. What lessons can be learned from the story of Dewi Sri?

The story teaches the importance of respecting nature, honoring divine beings, and maintaining balance in all aspects of life. It emphasizes gratitude for the gifts of the earth and the significance of working in harmony with the natural world for prosperity and abundance.

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