Narrative Text The Legend of Joko Tarub and Seven Angels with 10 essay test and key answer

The Legend of Joko Tarub and Seven Angels

In the mystical realm of Java, there lived a young and handsome man named Joko Tarub. He was known for his kindness and bravery. One day, while wandering in the forest, he stumbled upon a group of celestial maidens bathing in a clear, sparkling river. Entranced by their beauty, Joko Tarub hid and watched them from afar. Among the maidens was one named Nawang Wulan, the most beautiful of them all. Captivated by her grace, Joko Tarub decided to steal her shawl as a token of his affection.

As time passed, Joko Tarub fell deeply in love with Nawang Wulan. He couldn't stop thinking about her and longed to be with her. Unable to resist his feelings, he devised a plan to approach her. Disguising himself as an old man selling vegetables, Joko Tarub managed to gain Nawang Wulan's trust and eventually proposed marriage to her. Nawang Wulan, unaware of his true identity, accepted his proposal.

Their marriage was blissful, and Joko Tarub lived happily with Nawang Wulan for many years. However, one day, Nawang Wulan discovered her missing shawl among Joko Tarub's belongings. Realizing his deception, she revealed her true form as one of the seven celestial angels and flew back to the heavens, leaving Joko Tarub heartbroken and alone.

Devastated by Nawang Wulan's departure, Joko Tarub searched far and wide for her, but to no avail. He realized his mistake and regretted betraying her trust. In his sorrow, he wandered the forests, hoping for a chance to redeem himself. Legend has it that Joko Tarub's undying love and remorse earned him forgiveness from the celestial beings, and he was reunited with Nawang Wulan in the afterlife.

Essay Test:

  1. Describe the character of Joko Tarub and his encounter with the celestial maidens.
  2. What motivated Joko Tarub to approach Nawang Wulan in disguise?
  3. Discuss the consequences of Joko Tarub's deception and the revelation of Nawang Wulan's true identity.
  4. How does the legend reflect themes of love, betrayal, and redemption?
  5. Analyze the role of trust in the relationship between Joko Tarub and Nawang Wulan.
  6. Explore the significance of the celestial maidens bathing in the river.
  7. Discuss the cultural and symbolic implications of Joko Tarub's actions and their consequences.
  8. How does the legend of Joko Tarub and Nawang Wulan resonate with similar tales in other cultures?
  9. Reflect on the lessons that can be learned from Joko Tarub's story.
  10. Consider the enduring appeal of folklore and legends like that of Joko Tarub and Nawang Wulan.

Key Answer:

  1. Joko Tarub is described as a young, handsome, kind, and brave man who encounters a group of celestial maidens bathing in a river.
  2. Joko Tarub was motivated by his deep love and infatuation with Nawang Wulan to approach her in disguise, hoping to win her affection.
  3. The consequences of Joko Tarub's deception include Nawang Wulan discovering his betrayal and revealing her true celestial identity, leading to her departure and Joko Tarub's profound sorrow.
  4. The legend reflects themes of love through Joko Tarub's affection for Nawang Wulan, betrayal through his deception, and redemption through his remorse and eventual reunion with Nawang Wulan in the afterlife.
  5. Trust plays a crucial role in the relationship between Joko Tarub and Nawang Wulan, as her discovery of his betrayal shatters the trust between them and leads to her departure.
  6. The celestial maidens bathing in the river symbolize purity, beauty, and otherworldly grace, emphasizing their divine nature.
  7. Joko Tarub's actions and their consequences reflect cultural values of honesty, fidelity, and the consequences of deceit.
  8. Similar tales in other cultures often involve themes of forbidden love, divine intervention, and the consequences of betrayal, resonating with the legend of Joko Tarub and Nawang Wulan.
  9. Lessons from Joko Tarub's story include the importance of honesty, trust, and the consequences of deception in relationships.
  10. The enduring appeal of folklore and legends like that of Joko Tarub and Nawang Wulan lies in their ability to convey timeless themes of love, betrayal, and redemption, resonating with audiences across generations and cultures.

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