Narrative Text about The Origin of Mount Bromo with 10 essay test and key answers

 The Origin of Mount Bromo

In the ancient land of Java, nestled amidst the lush greenery and rolling hills, lies a mystical volcano known as Mount Bromo. Legends whisper tales of its origin, weaving a narrative as captivating as the landscape itself.

Long ago, the gods of the heavens and the demons of the underworld engaged in an epic battle for supremacy. The earth shook with their fury as they clashed, casting thunder and lightning across the skies. Amidst this chaos, a mountain arose from the depths of the earth, born of the tumultuous clash between good and evil.

As the battle raged on, the mountain grew taller, its peak piercing the clouds above. From its fiery core emerged the powerful deity Brahma, his presence imbuing the land with an otherworldly energy. Thus, Mount Bromo became a symbol of divine power and eternal struggle, a testament to the forces that shape our world.

Over the centuries, Mount Bromo has stood as a silent witness to the passage of time, its rugged beauty drawing travelers and adventurers from far and wide. Each sunrise brings a spectacle of colors as the sky ignites in hues of orange and pink, casting a spell of enchantment over all who behold it.

Essay Test:

  1. Describe the setting of Mount Bromo.
  2. What mythical beings are said to have battled around Mount Bromo?
  3. How did Mount Bromo come into existence according to legend?
  4. What deity emerged from Mount Bromo during the battle of the gods and demons?
  5. What does Mount Bromo symbolize in the legends?
  6. How has Mount Bromo's beauty attracted people over the centuries?
  7. What natural phenomenon occurs at Mount Bromo during sunrise?
  8. How would you describe the colors of the sunrise at Mount Bromo?
  9. What emotions might one feel when witnessing the sunrise at Mount Bromo?
  10. What makes Mount Bromo a unique and mystical destination?

Key Answers:

  1. The setting of Mount Bromo is in the ancient land of Java, amidst lush greenery and rolling hills.
  2. The gods of the heavens and the demons of the underworld are said to have battled around Mount Bromo.
  3. Mount Bromo came into existence from the clash between good and evil during the battle of the gods and demons.
  4. The deity Brahma emerged from Mount Bromo during the battle.
  5. Mount Bromo symbolizes divine power and eternal struggle in the legends.
  6. Mount Bromo's rugged beauty has attracted travelers and adventurers over the centuries.
  7. A spectacle of colors occurs at Mount Bromo during sunrise.
  8. The colors of the sunrise at Mount Bromo include hues of orange and pink.
  9. Emotions one might feel when witnessing the sunrise at Mount Bromo include enchantment and awe.
  10. Mount Bromo is unique and mystical due to its origin from divine conflict and its breathtaking natural beauty.

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