How to Make Popcorn: Procedure Text with 10 multiple choices test and then key answers

How to Make Popcorn


  • 1/4 cup popcorn kernels
  • 1-2 tablespoons oil (vegetable, canola, or coconut oil)
  • Salt to taste


  • Large pot with a lid
  • Stove or heat source
  • Serving bowl


  1. Heat the pot: Place the pot on the stove over medium heat.
  2. Add oil: Pour the oil into the pot and let it heat up for a minute.
  3. Test the oil: Drop a couple of kernels into the pot. When they start to sizzle, the oil is hot enough.
  4. Add the rest of the kernels: Pour in the remaining popcorn kernels and quickly cover the pot with the lid.
  5. Shake the pot: Hold the pot securely with oven mitts and shake it gently back and forth to prevent the kernels from burning.
  6. Listen for popping: As the kernels heat up, they will start to pop. Keep shaking the pot until the popping slows down to 2-3 seconds between pops.
  7. Remove from heat: Once the popping slows, immediately remove the pot from the heat source.
  8. Let it sit: Let the pot sit for a minute to allow any remaining kernels to pop.
  9. Season: Transfer the popcorn to a serving bowl and sprinkle with salt to taste.
  10. Enjoy: Serve and enjoy your freshly made popcorn!

Multiple Choice Test:

1. What is the first step in making popcorn?

a) Adding salt

b) Heating the pot

c) Adding oil

d) Adding kernels

2. How much oil should you use?

a) 1 cup

b) 1 tablespoon

c) 1/4 cup

d) 1 teaspoon

3. How do you know when the oil is hot enough?

a) It turns brown

b) It starts smoking

c) The kernels start to sizzle

d) It bubbles

4. What should you do while the popcorn is popping?

a) Leave it unattended

b) Shake the pot gently

c) Turn up the heat

d) Remove the lid

5. When should you remove the pot from the heat source?

a) When all the kernels have popped

b) When the popping slows down

c) When the oil runs out

d) When the pot starts to burn

6. How long should you let the pot sit after removing it from the heat?

a) 30 seconds

b) 1 minute

c) 5 minutes

d) 10 minutes

7. What should you sprinkle on the popcorn before serving?

a) Sugar

b) Salt

c) Pepper

d) Cinnamon

8. What equipment do you need to make popcorn?

a) Blender

b) Oven

c) Large pot with lid

d) Microwave

9. What is the purpose of shaking the pot while the popcorn is popping?

a) To make it pop louder

b) To prevent the kernels from burning

c) To cool down the pot

d) To make the popcorn saltier

10. What is the final step in making popcorn?

a) Adding butter

b) Adding sugar

c) Adding oil

d) Enjoying the popcorn

Answer Key:

  1. b) Heating the pot
  2. c) 1/4 cup
  3. c) The kernels start to sizzle
  4. b) Shake the pot gently
  5. b) When the popping slows down
  6. b) 1 minute
  7. b) Salt
  8. c) Large pot with lid
  9. b) To prevent the kernels from burning
  10. d) Enjoying the popcorn

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