The Reason of Using Role Play Strategy

The Reason of Using Role Play Strategy 

      Chan (2011: 3) Role-play is considered as being able to facilitate more complex and realistic learning than other training strategies. Management students can then practice their skills and competencies in a complex model of reality. Role-play allows the course instructor to design the style of the role-play according to his/her own teaching needs and learning can be grounded in a context that is directly relevant to  his/her management students. Klik to Download Filenya

       According to Balasooriya (2001: 49) Role-play  involves  setting  up  an  imagined  situation  through  acting  out  certain characters.  The  teacher  sets the  scene by  inviting  a number  of  students to play out a  scene,  relevant  to  the  lesson. The activity takes the forms of instant extempore drama or dialogue. Role-plays develop children’s skills in communication they can help inculcation of good attitudes as well.  The activity is especially helpful to develop understanding of the characters they play. Role-play needs to be followed by reflection and discussion. Klik to Download Filenya

Petty (2004: 258) Role-play is very useful for developing the interpersonal skills’ of learners for example, for training in the caring professions, the police, the retail trades, or for management training, and so on. It gives learners an opportunity to practice skills in a risk-free environment. Other uses include sex and relationships education; indeed any situation where students must learn to negotiate in an assertive yet respectful manner. As well as helping students to develop social skills, role-play can help students explore emotive issues. Klik to Download Filenya

       Shapiro and Leopold (2012: 123) point out the Role play can be used to help students engage critically with course material, taking into account deep meanings, personal implications, and social consequences. Critical role-play requires students to embody voices and perspectives that may be quite different from their own. It asks them to speak and write using discourse that may be unfamiliar. It encourages them to explore relationships among people, texts, and contexts. Critical role-play, therefore, is both cognitively and linguistically challenging

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