Definition of Role Play Strategy

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      Planander (2013: 201) role-play can be defined and implemented in several ways the common denominator is that participants assume different roles in which behavior and events become starting points for making visible, and learning from, what happens in various situations, role-play as a learning activity in which participants act out a set of defined role behaviors or position with a view to acquiring desired experiences. Klik to Download Filenya

      Alabsi (2016: 227) Role-play is a well-known strategy that  helps  students  to  familiarize  themselves  with  new  social environments, Role plays early in the course can expose students to different situations  they are likely to face in their future career and role  plays are considered as simulating more authentic situations  for  EFL  learners. Klik to Download Filenya

     Jones and Bartlett (2013: 163) Role playing is rehearsal for the future that focuses on an given situation that contains two or more different viewpoints or perspectives that are played out according to a brief description of their character. In most role-playing situations, the learner practices taking the role of someone else. Spontaneity in role playing is a major goal, and too much briefing of characters is discouraged. Role playing is also called socio drama. Socio dramatic situations always involve more than one person and are focused on problems that are relevant to the classroom group. Klik to Download Filenya

      Based on Maley (2004 : 7) defines Role Play, when students assume a ‘role, they play a part (either their own or somebody else) in a specific situation. Play means that the role is taken on in a safe environment in which students are as inventive and playful as possible. A group of students carrying out a successful role play in a classroom has much in common with a group of children playing school, doctors and nurses, or Star Wars. Both are unselfconsciously creating their own reality and, by doing so, are experimenting with their knowledge of the real world and developing their ability to interact with other people

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