Model of Inquiry Based Learning Strategy

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    Alberta (2004: 7) a model is a description or physical representation that increases understanding of something that cannot be directly observed.  It is a way of connecting our learnings.  An instructional model, such as the Inquiry Model, supports the work of teachers and students and can be used in a variety of ways: Klik to Download Filenya

  • The Inquiry Model as a scaffold for instruction. 

   The Inquiry Model provides the content and structure for instruction outlining the skills and strategies that need to be taught explicitly in each phase of the process.  Referring to the model frequently and consistently during the planning of inquiry-based learning activities keeps instructional concerns in the forefront as lessons are prepared and as instructional materials are created

  • The Inquiry Model as a gauge for feelings  

  The inquiry process, like any demanding learning experience, brings with it various feelings, including enthusiasm, apprehension, frustration and excitement.  These feelings are experienced in a definite pattern in the various phases of the inquiry process.  By referring to the model throughout the inquiry-based learning activity, teachers are able to anticipate and recognize when students are experiencing strong feelings and are able to design support systems and reflective activities that help students move through the process.

  • The Inquiry Model as a common language for teachers and students

     A common language for both teachers and students helps students to internalize the model and to talk about the learning processes involved.  It increases effective communication among all inquirers in a school since it gives teachers and students the words to talk about the parts of the process.  Posting a model in classrooms and in the library (or any place in the school where inquiry learning takes place) encourages students to recognize each phase as part of the whole process.

  • The Inquiry Model as a guide for students

      The Inquiry Model guides students in using an analytical approach that includes all phases in the inquiry process. Without learning an inquiry process, students often develop a very limited and narrow view of inquiry. They may think that inquiry is finding the answer to other people’s questions for the satisfaction of their teacher, rather than understanding inquiry as the process of being puzzled about something, generating their own questions and using information to satisfy their own interests and to develop their own knowledge.

  • The Inquiry Model as a guide for monitoring 

     Teachers use the Inquiry Model to assess how effectively students have engaged in the inquiry process, how deeply they understand it, and how effectively the process has been sequenced across grades.  For example, a school or district matrix that maps the topics of the inquiry-based units and the skills and strategies introduced, developed and extended across the grades, provides a basis for articulation, coordination and equity.

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