Definition of Emotional Intelligence

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   Based on Pishghadam (2009: 33) emotional  intelligence  as  the ability to monitor one’s own and other’s feelings and emotions, to discriminate among them, and to use this information to guide one’s thinking and action. Citing a need to distinguish emotional  intelligence  abilities  from  social  traits  or  talents, it focus on specific mental aptitudes for recognizing and marshaling emotions (for example, knowing what someone is feeling is a mental aptitude, whereas being out-going  and  warm  is  a  behavior).  A comprehensive they argue,  must  include  some measure of “thinking about feeling,” an aptitude lack by models that focus on simply perceiving and regulating feelings. Klik to Download Filenya

    In addition Ahmadi (2014: 3) emotional intelligence is the ability to identify, understand, and manage moods and feelings, in both ourselves and other people. Emotional Intelligence refers  to  the  competence  to  identify  and  express  emotions,  understand  emotions,  assimilate  emotions  in thought, and regulate both positive and negative emotions in the self and in others. Klik to Download Filenya

   Based on Grant &Kinman (2013: 7) emotional intelligence define broadly as the ability to motivate oneself and persist in the face of frustrations: to control impulse and delay gratification; to regulate one’s moods and keep distress from swamping the ability to think, to empathise and to hope. These qualities are essential for helping professionals and key components of emotional resilience.Emotional intelligence has both inter-personal aspects (i.e. social intelligence) as well as intra-personal elements (i.e. self-awareness).  Inter-personal emotional intelligence helps people relate confidently and empathically to others, whereas intra-personal emotional intelligence allows people to gain insight into their emotional state, regulate their moods effectively, and build their emotional resources. Klik to Download Filenya

     Based on Hashempour & Mehrad (2014: 117) emotionalintelligence  as  a  powerful  inner  factor  that  can  growth  or  improve  all  facets  of  behavior  and  trends among individuals. In reality, emotional intelligence is kind of ability to assessing individuals trends and conduct them in various ways.  These kindsof emotions have direct effect to individuals’ skills for obtaining social and private performances. This internal factor determinekindof  living,relation and learning. Emotional intelligence with all facets has different effect on behavior and options of individuals. Emotions focus on  two  sides  of  individuals’  behavior  and  reactions  in  each  level  of  their  life.  Based  on  the  roles  of  emotions, considering  to  this  internal  factor  and  improve,  could  be  so  effective  for  controlling  and  conduct  behaviors  and performance. Klik to Download Filenya

    Emotional intelligence is a different way of being smart, is a key to high performance at all levels, particularly for outstanding leadership. It’s not your IQ, it’s how you manage yourself and your relationships. To see clearly about Emotional intelligence see the following table

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