A. Background of the Study
Meaning covers a wide range of human perseption. Meaning has the widest range of use, embracing everything from specific, concrete denotation to a general suggestiveness. Hofmann (1993:2) defines the meaning that we are interested in is cognitive and descriptive meaning: what is communicated when one person tells another something, we are interested in the meaning that can be expressed in language, meaning that describe something. Meaning refers to something which someone to communicate. By understanding the meaning in communication or some text of story we will get information to increase our knowledge. That’s why meaning is the important role of communication.
The meaning of a word, sign or symbol is the idea of expresses, the object it designates or the concept it convey. Abdul Chaer said that kinds of meaning include lexical meaning, grammatical meaning and contextual meaning, referential and non referential meaning, denotative and connotative meaning, conceptual and associative meaning, and lexeme (2007:289). In addition to Charles W. Kreidler, the dimensions of meaning include reference and denotation, connotation, sense relations, lexical and grammatical meaning, morphemes, homonymy, polysemy, lexical ambiguity, sentence and meaning (1998:41). In this research, it will be conduct the contextual meaning. Contextual meaning is the meaning of a lexeme or word inside a context. The contextual meaning could be regarded to the situation, where the time, the language usage environment. According to Mansoer Pateda, he said if the words that can find the meaning while they are already inside a sentence. It is a word which bound with the context. It would have a meaning if the word accompanied with others word, like in front or in behind word (2010: 147). There are some contexts, such as context of organs, situation, purpose, the speaker or listener’s mood, time, place, object, and meaning the language used. Contextual meaning also finds in literary work. Literary work is an imaginative or creative writing of people such as poem, song, fairy tale story, etc.
Fairy tale is kind of story from the imagination of writer. This is not real story and never happen in real life. (Cambridge dictionary) fairy tale is a traditional story written for children that usually involves imaginary creatures and magic. In addition, fairy tale is a children story about magical and imaginary beings and land. The synonym of fairy tale they are folktale, folk story, traditional story, myth, legend, romance fantasy, fable, fiction. Many people like fairy tale story start from younger and old one love fairy tale story. There are many good impact of fairy tale story especially for children. The first, it is teach good moral values. By choosing fairy tale story we can get the moral value in every story, for example Alice in wonderland, never give up whatever it takes. Second, develop imagination especially for children. Children will get used to imagining to visualize something in the mind to describe or solve a problem. Third, Eliminating tensi on or stress if a child is already listening to fairy tales, then the children will feel happy and happy when hearing a fairy tale. With a sense of joy and perhaps alaugh with jokes, then the various feelings of tension, bad mud and other negative feelings can disappear by itself.
Sleeping Beauty is one kind of fairy tale that most interesting for many people or maniac in fairy tale story. The Sleeping Beauty is widely well known not only by children but also by adults. This folktale tells about a princess who got cursed in such a way that she slept for a hundred years. She was then saved by a prince from another kingdom. The Sleeping Beauty is also known as Little Briar-Rose in French while in German it is recognized as Dornr schen.
Many people like reading or watching the fairy tale story but sometimes they cannot understand the meaning based on the context of the story especially for students. In this case, the researcher is interested in analysis of contextual meaning which occurs in Sleeping Beauty fairy tale story and wants to do the research which is concern with the topic.
B. The Identification of the Problem
The problem of this research are identified as follow:
- The readers argument of the text wrongly difficult in learning contextual meaning.
- It is difficult to differentiate each types of contextual meaning.
- Contextual meaning is very determinant by the context.