A. The Background of The Study
The use of peer lesson technique on the students’ ability in writing hortatory exposition paragraph was useful for the students’ tenth class at SMK. According to (Mel Silberman, 2007: 173). Peer Lesson is a learning techniques that is part of active learning (active learning). Based on the above, the writer had some reason why the writer using Peer Lesson Technique in write thesis, such as (1) this technique puts the entire responsibility to teach the students as a class member. (2) This model was a good technique to effective the students’ learning ability that can help the students to think inductively based on their idea and make the students’ to not get bored. (3) The great technique to make the students’ interesting to learning English. (4) PL technique could help learners to have transition period between old and new knowledge, one of the teaching writing technique that can solve problems. (5) Peer lesson as foster creativity, as it aims to increase the success of the learning process more emphasis on student-centered.
Writing is one of the most important basic skills in teaching English. It is a process to send a message from the writers to the readers. Though writing students can express the students’ mind, opinion, statement and so on. It should be mastered by students to complete their skills in learning a language. According Mc Crimmon in St. Slamet Y. (2008) is an activity explore thoughts and feelings about a subject, choose the things that will be written, determining how to write it so that the reader can understand it easily and clearly. St. Slamet Y. (2008) own point about writing is an activity that requires capabilities that are complex. Writing is a creative behavior, the behavior of creative writing as it requires an understanding or feel something: an experience, writing, events.
In educational unit level curriculum (Kurikulum Tingkat SatuanPendidikan (KTSP), the objective of teaching writing is clearly stated. One of the objectives is students are expected to be competent in one of the objectives is students are expected to be competent in comprehending writing in various English texts. For senior High school students, they were expected to be able to comprehend the meaning of writing text: recount, narrative, procedure, descriptive, news item, spoof, report, analytical exposition, hortatory, explanation, discussion, and review in daily life context. And then, There are so many techniques that popular to make the teaching in writing Hortatory Exposition more effective and interesting. One of them, by using the Peer Lesson Technique on the students’ in teaching writing Hortatory Exposition is most to be helpful for the X grade of students at SMK.
Based on the experience of researcher’s in the observation program at SMK the researcher predict that students in the school can write and understand what they have write well. But, the reality the students’ ability in writing still very low, because most of the students get the score under Minimal Competence Criteria (KKM) of English lesson for Senior High School. The Minimal Competence Criteria (KKM) applied for the one grade by school is 75. It was proved by an interview that the writer did with the English teacher. The