The Definition of CORE (Connecting, Organizing, Reflecting, Extending)

 The Definition of CORE (Connecting, Organizing, Reflecting, Extending)

CORE is an acronym of Connecting, Organizing, Reflecting, Extending. The CORE learning model invites students to think deeply. According to Jacob (Yuniarti santi: 2013), CORE model is one of the learning models based on constructivism. In other words CORE model is a learning model that can be used to enable learners in building their own knowledge. CORE can be described as follows:

1.      Connecting

Connecting is an activity of connecting old information with new information or between concepts. At this stage students are invited to connect new concepts to be studied with the old concept they have, by giving students questions, then students are asked to write related things from the question.

Katz and Nirula state that by connecting, a concept can be linked to other concepts in a class discussion, where the concepts to be taught are related to what the student already knows. In order to play a role in discussion, students must remember and use the concepts they have to link and construct their ideas.

2.      Organizing

Organizing is an activity to organize the information obtained. At this stage students organize the information they get, such as what concepts are mastered, what concepts are sought, and the interrelationships between what concepts are found in the connecting stage to build their own knowledge (new concepts).

According to Jacob, the construction of knowledge is not a simple matter formed from the particular facts collected and developing new information, but also includes organizing old information into new forms.

3.      Reflecting

Sagala reveals reflection is a way of thinking back on what has been done in terms of learning in the past. Reflecting is an activity to rethink the information already obtained. At this stage students rethink the information they have acquired and understood at the organizing stage.

In the discussion activities, students are given the opportunity to rethink whether the results of discussions or the results of group work at the organizing stage is correct or there are still errors that need to be corrected.

4.      Extending

Extending is a stage where students can expand their knowledge of what has been gained during the learning process takes place. The extension of knowledge must be tailored to the conditions and abilities of the students.

According to C. Jacob (Yuniarti santi: 2013) there are steps of the CORE learning model:

1.      In opening the lesson, the teacher shows something unique that is being trending, or shows a film trailer that is warm in the community or activities it is essentially the teacher opened the learning with something unique, where the uniqueness has a hidden meaning. There is something that was drawn by the teacher to the introduction of the material to be discussed.

2.      The connecting process begins with the teacher questioning the concepts of past learning.

3.      Organizing is done by way of teachers asking opinions or ideas that students have on the concept to be studied.

4.      After the lesson has been completed, the next step the teacher divides the students into small groups. The small group then discussed the discussion critically about what has been learned.

5.      At this stage reflecting begins, the students in the group rethink, explore, dig deeper information through group learning.

6.      While in the extending stage, students are given individual tasks to expand, develop and use an understanding of the material that has been studied.





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