A. Background of
The study
this globlalization era, there are so many people who can speak more than one
language. They usually can speak with two languages more languages such as
their mother tongue or foreign language. Language is important in people’s live.
People use a language for their daily communication or talking about something.
Usually people speak several languages in several places or several
communication. We live in Indonesia, which has only one national language. So,
when people in community they also meet people with different situation in
different culture and different language. In this case, they have to study, choose
and adaptation what language that they want to use in this communication to
make a good communicate with the other people. According to Muin in Khairunnisa
(2016) people who use two or more languages are called bilingual or
and bilingualism are signed by code switching. According to Ansar (2017) code
switching is a widely observed phenomenon in multilingual and multicultural especially
in foreign language. Bhatia and Ritchie (2013:323) state that code switching is
the alternate use of two or more languages within the same utterance. So, from
the definitions tell us that code switching is found more with bilingual or multilingual
speakers. Code switching is discribed as a skill of the bilingual speaker. Code
switching is a term in linguistics referring to using more than one language or
variety in conversation. Code switching is the one of alternative way to
bilingual of two or more languages in the same conversation.
to Jingxia (2010) code switching occur unconsciously by the teachers and is used
as a good strategy in explaining instructions, translating difficult vocabulary,
managing class, giving background information and in reducing students’ nervousness.
Code switching is a something natural which happens in teaching process especially
in English teaching learning (ETL) classroom. In English teaching learning
(ETL) classroom the lecturer use English when they explain the material and
then they switch again into Indonesia or their mother tongue to make sure that the
students understand the materal that they teach in learning process.
learning process by using code switching is very helpful. To make sure that the
learning process is success needed a good language of communication in teaching
and learning activities. Lecturer apply code switching in explaining and giving
direction or instruction to the students. By using clear and propper languages,
lecturer would be able to give accurate instructions to students and they will facilitate
the students to understand the materials. Code switching become a strategy for
lecturer to communicate with the students.
example, when the lecturer managing the class, usually the lecturer use code
switching to easier the students get the purpose : “okayy, everybody I will devide
you into several groups so that you could work together to finish this exercies.
The first rank will be grup pertama, and barisan kedua will be the second
group, dan begitu seterusnya till the end. Okayy, let’s do it”
is the example of code switching in managing class from jingxia (2010) when the
lecturer gave direction to activities, the lecturer switched into Bahasa
Indonesia for arrangement of the students. Because using Bahasa, the direction
will be easy to understand and it can be save a lot of time in managing class.
there are many perceptions on code switching. But all of the prespectives have
the same meaning and purposes. In fact, some of students that is in English teaching
learning (ETL) when the lecturers use code switching some of them give more respect
to the lecturer who switch code during teaching and learning process and most
of them believe that code switching also help them to get better score in exams
and most of them believe that code switching also help easier to understand the
lesson. On the other hand, code swicthing also have negative effect such as make
the students fell lazy to search the unkwon vocabulary by theirself and make the
students lower in vocabulary. Some of students believe when the lecturer that
code switching can also make the students low of English.
based on the backgorund above. The researcher carried out a research under the title
“An Analysis of Code Switching in English Teaching Learning (ETL) Classroom”.
B. The
Identification of Problem
to the background above, the problems were indetified as follows:
1. The types od code switching in English teaching learning (ETL) classroom
2. The reason of using code switching in English teaching learning (ETL) classroom
3. The students’ perception of using code switching in English teaching learning (ETL) classroom
C. The Scope and
scope in this research is sociolinguistics. The limitation is a code switching
found in the class English teaching learning (ETL) used by lecturer and
students in University in the second semester and the sixth semester.
D. The Formulation
of The Problem
problems of this research was formulated as follows:
1. What are the dominants types of code switching that occurs in English teaching learning (ETL) classroom?
2. Why do the lecturer use code switching in English teaching learning (ETL) classroom?
3. What are the students’ perception when the lecturer use code switching in English teaching learning (ETL) classroom?
E. The
Objectives of Research
objectives of this research were:
1. To identity the dominant types of code switching occur in English teaching learning (ETL) classroom
2. To find out the reasons why lecturer use code switching in English teaching learning (ETL) classsroom
3. To know the students’ perception when the lecturer using code switching in English teaching learning (ETL) classsroom
F. The
Significances of the Research
findings of this research was expected to give many advantages theoretically
and practically.
1. Theoretically, the findings of the study and significance
To give information about code switching
especially in English teaching learning (ETL)
To be references for the further
2. Practically, the findings of this research will be useful for
For the students
The students know that learning English
is important and use code switching can help the students easier understanding
the material.
b. For
the reader
It was expected to give them clear information
about the use of code switching. Detailly such as the types of code switching, the
reason of code switching and the students’ perception of using code switching.