A. Background of the Study

 In nowadays, the technology has grown rapidly. Technology was created to simplify human affairs. Various kinds of technologies can be find in this modern era. As judged by Fuad (2013), gadget is one example of a very popular technology. Everyone using gadgets in modern times, such as television, mobile phones, laptops, smart phones and others. These gadgets have been found and used anywhere and by anyone, ranging from kids, teens and adults. In the past, only people who have upper middle class who are only able to buy gadgets, but in reality now that having a mediocre income enable someone to buy gadgets, especially for children. A few years ago, gadgets were widely used by businessmen from the middle to upper class. The reason they use gadgets is to ease their business. But today, the gadget is not only used by the businessmen only, many teenagers and even children also have a lot of gadgets, especially in use smarthphone.

Most children have become active consumers where many products of gadget make children as their target market. However, children are the most users of gadgets, especially in use smartphone. Referring to the technological developments, it is consciously or unconsciously making the attitude patterns of children who use the smartphone change. Children who are the golden age of about 8 years, should do things appropriate with their age, such as playing with their peer, learning something new that has not been known and also at the age of about 8 years is one of the very important process for their development especially in their productivity. But it has changed because of the development of technology in the social environment and more unfortunate is that their target market was the children. So, it makes their attitudes and mindset change; they should interact with the social environment but they are even fun with their own world by playing their smartphones. It makes them more individualistic and careless of their surrounding. It’s all can show from their behaviour and physical characteristic, like their daily activity because, from their activity it can show their behaviour.

In nowadays, it has become commonplace that elementary school children just have a gadget in the form of smarthphone or mobile phone as their toy material. They should still be playing with their peer but they have changed their habits with spending the time using their smartphone. Panji (2015) notes that the internet users in Indonesia who come from among children and adolescents were predicted to reach 30 millions. The data were taken from the study entitles "Security of Use of Digital Media in Children and Adolescents in Indonesia". Yogi (2014) notes that Indonesia is included the ranking of the "top five" countries of gadget users, especially in smartphone . The Data was taken in 2014, it shows that the active users of smartphones is about 47 millions. When viewed from the age, the percentage of gadget users between children and adolescents in Indonesia is higher around 79 percent. The Survey was done by the Ministry of Information and UNICEF (United Nations Children’s Fund) in 2014.

The condition that occur in Indonesia was caused by many things and one of them is environment. Environment was very influential on the children development. Whether or not the environment was aware of the child will affect and even shape the child's development. Gadget is very easy to attract the attention and interest of children and has become commonplace if children are already using gadgets in everyday life. Gadgets have a positive impact and also negative one, for that the role of parents is very important to monitor the development of children in the era of the technology which is increasingly sophisticated as now. Especially in Batu Bara, that is my village. in that area many children who already use gadgets in that age who should not be able to use gadgets and also see their development children in the area of Batu Bara Regency the more difference between children who often use gadgets with children who do not use gadgets.

There were many factors why children who were still at an early age use gadgets, such as when their parents were busy, then the child was given a gadget to make the child silent and not fussy, and also there were indeed his parents have enough economy and buy gadgets to their children for use, and many more reasons. Because too many children in using gadget so make a lot of factors that affect its development. One was the development of psychology of children. When the child was too often in using gadgets, the development of psychology was realized or not slowed down, the emotional nature of a child should have been trained to deal with various problems for example by interacting with their peer, because the child was already addicted in using gadgets he was not willing again playing with their peers & engrossed with his own world. At the age of 8 years a child, it was the age where the child was experiencing the development process of all the body, the physical development, intellectual development and psychology development. Because it is the golden age for a child's development.

Various studies have been done in the world of medicine as well as the world of psychologists about the analysis of the use of gadgets on child development. Gadgets have a great influence on human life, as well as on children. From a psychological point of view, childhood was a golden period in which children learn to know what they do not yet know. If childhood has been exposed to opiate and negatively affected by gadgets, then the development of children was hampered especially in psychology development.

From the above explanation, conducting a study regarding to the use gadget by children, the researcher was interested choosing it entitles: “An Analysis of Children Psychology Development in Using Gadget: A Case Study of 8-Year Old Children".

B. The Identification of the Problems

Based on the background above, there were some problems identified as the followings:

1. The use of gadget on children

2. The causal factors of children addiction on gadget

3. The rules of environment on the children psychology development

C. Scope and Limitation

The scope of this research was focused on children psychology development in using gadget. It was limited on the behaviour and physical character of the children.

D. Formulation of the Problem

The problem of this research was formulated as the following: How are the children psychology development of 8-year old children?

E. The Objective of the Study

This research was aimed to analyze the children psychology development of 8-year old children with using gadget.

F. The Significances of the Study

The results of this study was expected to be usefull theoritically and practically.

Theoritically, those can be as a reference to who was interested in studying children psychology development particularly relating to the use of gadget. Practically, the finding of this researh was expected to be the motivation for other researcher who wanted to study about children psychology development when using gadget and the result of this study was expected to be able to make the parents and also children aware in using gadgets at an early age.



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