Types of Genre of Text

 Types of Genre of Text

Based on Knapp and Watkins (2005: 14) genre as it has been developed in literacy education is an organizing concept for cultural practices. Genre is place occasion, function, behavior and interaction structures. In addition, Martin (1992: 40) genre represented a stage or goal-oriented social process. They are five forms of genre which are common, description, narration, recount, argumentation, report and procedure Halliday and Hasan, (1985: 54). According to Gerot and Wignel (1994: 17) they are some kinds of genre:

1.      Description

The social function of description is to describe a particular person, place or thing. The generic structure are identification, description and the linguistic future are focused on specific participants, using identifying process, using classifiers in nominal groups and using present tens.

2.      Narration

`The social function of narration is to amuse, entertain and to deal with actual or vicarious experience in different ways. It deals with problematic even which lead to a crisis of turning points of some kinds, which in turn finds a resolution. The generic structure are orientation, complication, resolution and the linguistic feature are focused on specific and individual participant, using material process, relation process, verbal process, mental process, using past tens and using temporal conjunction and time connective.

3.      Spoof

The social function is to tell an event with humorous twist. The generic structures are orientation, events and twist and linguistic features are using of material process, circumstances of time and place, using past tense and focused on an individual participant.

4.      Report

The social function is to describe the way things are, with reference to a range of natural, man-made and social phenomenon in our environment. The generic structures are general classification and description and linguistic features are using general nouns, using relating verbs, using simple past tense, using behavioral verbs, and using technical terms.

5.      Analytical Exposition

The social function is to persuade the reader or listener that something in the case. The generic structures are a thesis, argument, and reiteration conclusion and linguistic features are focused on generic human and non human participant, relation process and using simple present tense.

6.      News Items

The social function is to inform readers, listeners or viewers about events of the day which are considered newsworthy or important. The generic structures are newsworthy events, background events and sources and linguistic features are focused on telegraphic information, material process and using circumstances.

7.      Anecdote

The social functions is to describe how something is accomplished through a sequence of action steps. The generic structure are goals, materials, and steps and linguistic features are focus on generalized of human argents, using simple present tense in imperative form and using material process.

8.      Procedure

The social function is to describe how something is accomplished through a sequence of action steps. The generic structures are goals, material and steps and linguistic features are focus on generalized of human agents, using simple present tense in imperative form an using material process.

9.      Hortatory Exposition

The social function is to persuade the reader that something should or should not be case. The generic structure are thesis, arguments and recommendation and linguistic features are focused on generic human and non human participants, using mental process, material process, relation process, and using simple present tense.

10.  Explanation

The social function is to explain the process involved in the formulation or working of natural or socio cultural phenomena. The generic structure are a general statement and sequenced explanation and linguistic features are focuses on generic human and non human participants, using material and mental process, using present tense and using passive voice

11.  Discussion

The social function is to percent two points of view about an issue. The generic structure are issue, argument, conclusion and linguistic features are focus on generic human and non human participant, using material, mental and relation process, comparative and constructive conjunctions.

12.  Revies

The social function is to critique an art of work or event for a public audience. The generic structure are orientation, interpretative recount, evaluation and evaluation summation and linguistic features are focus on particular participants, using metaphoric language and using direct expression of opinion.




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