The Characteristic of Written Language

 The Characteristic of Written Language

Brown (2001: 43) lists seven characteristics of written language

1.      Permanence

Once something is written down and delivered in its final form to its intended audiences, the writer abdicates a certain power: the power to emend, to clarify, to withdraw. That prospect is the single most significant contributor to making writing a scary operation. Students written often feel that the act of releasing a written work to an instructor is not unlike putting themselves in front of a firing squad. Therefore, whatever the teacher can do like to guide, to facilitate and to help the students should be done in order to help the students can perform a good writing process.

2.      Production time

A writer can indeed a good writer by developing efficient processes for achieving the final product. The student can be trained to writer with the use of the best possible time limitation. If the student are taught with sufficient training in a process writing, combined with practice in display writing the students was helped deal with time limitations.

3.      Distance

One of thorniest problem writers face is anticipating their audience. That anticipation ranges from general audience characteristic to how specific words phrase, sentence and paragraph was interpreted. The distance factor requires what might be termed “cognitive” empathy. Good writers can “read” their own writing from the perspective of the mind of the targeted audiences. Writers need to be able to predict subject Metter knowledge and very important, how their choice of language was interpreted.

4.      Orthography

Everything for simple greetings to extremely complex ideas is captured through the manipulation of a few dozen letters and other writer symbols. Sometimes we take from granted the mastering of the mechanics of English writing by our students. If the students are non literate in the narrative language, they must begin at the very beginning with fundamentals of reading and writing. For literate students, if their native language system is not alphabetic, new symbol have to be produced by hands that may have become accustomed to another system. If the native language has a different phoneme-grapheme system (most do), then some attention is due here.

5.      Complexity

Writers must learn how to remove redundancy (which may not jibe with their firs language rhetorical tradition), how to combine sentences, how to make references to other elements in a text, how to create syntactic and lexical variety, and much more.

6.      Vocabulary

Written language places a heavier demand on vocabulary use then does speaking. Good writer will learn to take advantage of the richness of English vocabulary.

7.      Formality

Whether a students is feeling out a questionnaire or writing a full-blown essay, the conventions of each form must be followed. The must difficult and complex conventions occur in academic writing where student have to learn how to describe, explain, compare, defend, citizen and argue.





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