Teaching English as a Foreign Language in Senior High School
Teaching English is much needed for us, a lot of people use
English to communicate with other people from different parts of the world. In Indonesia,
English is taught as a compulsory subject in the school, it starts from the beginning
level that kindergarten to senior high school even in some university level. For
Indonesian learners, English is a new language so that they find it difficult to
learn. The other reason is that they have spoken their native language previously
which will interfere with their acquisition of the new language. It can be shown
by the fact that the students tend to transfer their native language rule to
the new language they are learning. Considering the differences between the two
languages, it is understandable that the students always encounter problems
dealing with vocabulary, structure, spelling, pronunciation, and other.
Between the ages 10 and 18 the range of the middle and
secondary- school years-boys and girls move from childhood to young adulthood.
It is no wonder that the lives of teenagers are full of complexities and
enigmas. The business of growing up is a complicated one. Adolescents are torn
by many conflicts and many moments of indecision. As stated in Harmer (2001:39)
that adolescent is a period where someone is searching for individual identity and
that this search provides the key challenge for this age group. Identity has to
be forged among classmates and friends.
Diagnosis of adolescence is complicated by the fact that
the characteristicof secondary school students in general do not necessarily apply
to every adolescent boy or girl. The characteristics of every individual are very
heterogeneous, those adolescents sometimes can cause discipline problems and be
disruptive in class. It because of the boredom they feel and the happiness if there
is challenge found. However, there is something which is interesting from adolescents.
As Ur in Harmer (2001:43) suggests teenage students are in
fact overall the best language learners. Teenagers have a great capacity to learn,
a great creativity, passionate commitment to things which interest them, and a
great solidarity among classmates. Thus, they have unique characteristics. Teacher
has to be able to use these characteristics and dig their potency through a supportive
and constructive way, so that besides achieving the goal of teaching learning
process with enthusiasm the learners morally can be good learners.
At their best, adolescent students have a great capacity
for learning, enormous potential for creative thought and a passionate commitment
to thing which interest them. Harmer (2007:15) also stated that dolescence is
bound up with a search for identify and a need for self-esteem. This is often
the result of the students position within their peer group rather than being the
consequence of teacher approval.