Definition of Pre-Reading Activity

 Definition of Pre-Reading Activity

In the contemporary practice, a reading lesson is usually divided into three parts, the pre-reading, while-reading, and post-reading stages, each of which has its own particular aims and procedure (Murcia 1991:202).

According to Sari (2007:3) “The pre-reading stage can be interpreted as the phase before students are given the reading texts.” This phase usually brainstorms or arouses student‟s prediction about text. In the pre-reading stage, the teacher will encourage the students to activate their background knowledge with the topic they learn.

Lewin divides reading activities into four steps; they are Prepare, First Dare, Repair and Share. Pre-reading activities are defined as Prepare activities which is “It is prerequisite for constructing meaning in any subject on any topic”(Lewin 2003: 18). So, pre-reading is a stage before reading is started which students are asked to make anticipation about the reading text topic.

Moreover, Silberstein states pre-reading activities are activities created which occurs before the students read the whole passages or text (Silberstein: 1994: 44). Before students read any text, teachers can direct their attention to how a text is organized. It could be a way to help students comprehend the text easily.

Pre-reading strategies allow students to think about what they already know about a given topic and predict what they will read or hear (Nordquist: 2013). Therefore, by understanding what the students want to read, it will help them to comprehend the text better. It will affect on student‟s reading comprehension test achievement.

Reading educators such as Betts and Stauffer “They recommended a lesson structure that provides not only for comprehension-oriented activities during reading but for pre- and post- reading discussions to integrate children‟s prior knowledge and to help them evaluate what they have learned.” (Wilson and Chase 1985: 326) From this statement, pre-reading can give benefit in recalling student‟s knowledge. This activity could help students in comprehending the text by facilitating them in pre- reading activity. Because they have background knowledge about the text, before they face the text.

In conclusion, pre-reading activity is an activity which is held before main reading activity. This activity usually is held in order to brainstorm students’ knowledge which is connected with the text. This activity has function as the media before the main reading process happens to help students comprehend the text easily.




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