The primary goal of English Language Teaching (ELT) is to
develop the students’ communicative competence in which the students are
expected to be able to communicate messages in various communicative situations
especially in spoken form. Thus, communicative competence has five components,
namely grammatical, sociolinguistic, discourse, and strategic competence
(Canale and Swain (1980), and another component is actional competence
(Celce-Murcia (1995). Bailey and Savage (1994: vii) in Fauziati (2010: 15)
state that “speaking in a second or foreign language has often been viewed as
the most demanding of the four skills”. So, speaking cannot be seen as an easy
task to be learned but vice-versa, it is a formidable one. It leads the
researcher to observe several problems when the Indonesian English learners
communicate in English. She has observed the Indonesian English learners in
various proficiency levels, from basic to advance level. Most of them feel
difficult to speak English as their foreign language. Although they are, they
do not seem having an intention to speak in English. They keep speaking in
Bahasa Indonesia and only few English words to be spoken by them. Basically, it
is because that speaking is not only about “to speak”, but also how a speaker
gives feedback to her speaking partner during a conversation in her foreign
language spontaneously. Besides, limited knowledge of English can make them
difficult to express the intended message in their conversation.
To overcome the previous problem, a strategy must be
applied in speaking class whether to overcome the lack of learners’ speaking
skill or to develop learners’ speaking skill. Thus, communication strategies
can be taken as a consideration as strategies to overcome the problems above,
helping the learners to ease their real communication. “With reference to
speaking, strategic competence points out the ability to know how to keep a
conversation going, how to terminate the conversation, and how to clear up
communication breakdowns and comprehension problems” (Shumin, 1994) in (Yaman,
Irgin, and Kavazoglu, 2013: 1). In addition, Felix (in Tarone, 1981: 63) in
(Fauziati, 2010: 167) maintains that “Communication strategies may viewed as
attempts to bridge the gap between the linguistic knowledge of the second
language leaner and the linguistic knowledge of the target language
interlocutor in a real communication”. Even more, Cohen, Weaver and Li (1998)
claimed the use of strategies in communication raises learners’ language
awareness and solves the interlocutors’ potential communication problems.
Dörnyei (1995) asserted that communication strategies develop learners’ oral
proficiency. “It is believed that learners’ communicative skills can be
improved by developing strategies for communication” (Yaman, Irgin, and
Kavazoglu, 2013: 256). Fauziati (2010: 167-168) states that, “communication
strategies refer to strategic competence.” Thus, there are four components of
communicative competence according to Hyme (1983) in Fauziati (2010: 168),
1. Grammatical competence
Knowledge of the language code such as grammatical rules, vocabulary, pronunciation, spelling, etc.
2. Discourse competence
Ability to combine language structures into different types of cohesive texts (e.g. political speech, poetry).
3. Sociolinguistic competence
Mastery of the sociocultural code of language use such as appropriate application of vocabulary, register, politeness and style in a given situation.
4. Strategic competence
Knowledge of verbal and non-verbal communication strategies which enhance the efficiency of communication and where enable the learner to overcome difficulties when communication breakdowns.
Furthermore, based on the problems which have been
discussed, the researcher is interested in conducting research focusing on
communication strategies used by eighth grade students in developing their
English speaking skill at SMP N 1 Surakarta year 2014/ 2015. The first reason,
the researcher would like to observe the communication strategies used by the
eighth grade students in speaking class. Furthermore, the researcher would like
to contribute for the improvement of students’ speaking ability by conducting
this research, because, technically, conducting this research means the
researcher socializes the communication strategies for both teachers and
students who might not know about the existence of communication strategies.
There are many studies related to the development of
speaking ability, but, they are not concerned with the communication strategies
in developing speaking ability. Besides, to know more about the specific
classification of the communication strategies can be very useful for learners
in their speaking skill development.
Thus, there are many taxonomies of communication
strategies, such as Dornyei’s taxonomy, Celce-Murcia, et al.’s taxonomy, and
Tarone’s taxonomy. The taxonomies are quit similar, but there are also some
differences between them. Tarone classifies communication strategies into some
categorizations, they are topic avoidance, message abandonment, the use of
paraphrase, coinage (creating new words), native language switching, miming,
and appeal for assistance.
Furthermore, the researcher chooses Tarone’s taxonomy
with reasons that Tarone’s taxonomy is simple and easy to be understood and a
good example to understand what is meant by communication strategy. In other
words, the researcher hopes in using the Tarone’s taxonomy as the theory which
is used to analyse the data, the readers of this research can understand easily
on what the meaning of communication strategies are. So, this research is only focused
on the description of communication strategies types, the dominant type, and
their functions used by the respondents analysed by Tarone’s taxonomy.