A. Research Background
Human beings as social creatures are born to interact
with each other in everyday life. These interactions are crucial for people in
order to fulfill their need as well as resolve or ease their problem. As an
example, people go to a tailor when they wish for self-made clothes, or go to a
doctor if they get sick. Thereby, their material need is fulfilled. In another
case, when people get into trouble, they tend to find a person to talk and ease
their problem. Practically, people will always create conversation when they
interact to each other. These conversations are worth analyzing for they have a
lot of interesting phenomena of linguistics during their occurrences such as
interruption and repair.
In every conversation, there are unconscious rules. Most
people perform the rules unconsciously. If these rules are neglected, the
running conversation will be disturbed and or stopped right away. According to
some research conducted by linguists, there are several phenomena that occur in
a conversation where the participants neglecting the rules. These phenomena are
subjects that linguists tend to observe over decades. The study regarding those
phenomena is called the conversation analysis. This research will scrutinize
one of the phenomena. According to Maynard (2013: 2), conversation analysis is
the study of talk as a medium for people to perform action. Any kind of action
and reaction as the result of conversation among people are scrutinized in this
field of study.The scope under conversation analysis study is wide, for instances:
turn taking, adjacency pairs, preference organization, sequence organization,
and repair.
Aninstance of the fields under the scope of conversation
analysis is turn-taking. It is a system where participants in an ongoing
conversation are taking their turns regularly. On the discussion of turn-taking
the researcher will provide detail information about how a conversation is
considered as a success. Another field under the discussion of conversation
analysis is called adjacency pairs.
According to Yule (1996: 77), adjacency pair in a
conversation refers to automatic sequences, e.g. greeting and goodbye. In the
structure of conversation there are many other kinds of automatic patterns that
certainly help the interaction. The researcher believes that the understanding of
those patterns is considered as a crucial point.
The main interest of this research is a field of study
under the scope of conversation analysis called, repair. Repair is a phenomenon
that is interesting to be analyzed. To be compared to other sub discussions under
the study of conversation analysis,repair is one that is still rarely investigated,
whereas the analysis of repair is an interesting topic that is closely related
to the other sub discussions in conversation analysis study such as
turn-taking, adjacency pairs, and preference. In accordance to this fact, the
researcher is encouraged to conduct a research in this field.
Repair is a name given to periods of talk in everyday
conversation in which an error occurredisnoted and then resolved. It is an
interesting subject to discuss since there are frequent occurrences of the
phenomenon on people’s daily conversations. Chaika (1982: 86) says that when a
person uses a wrong style in an occasion, the interlocutor(s) – the people
being talking to – will repair the error. In addition, Schegloff, Jefferson,
and Sacks (1977) collect samples of people correcting their own errors. As
conclusion, both speaker and interlocutor can be the ones who realize and
resolve the errors. Every people must have been encounteringrepair phenomena in
their daily conversation unconsciously.
The best way to investigate the phenomena of repair is through
spontaneous conversationsin which the ongoing conversations among the
participants have not been prepared previously.Since the main investigation on
repair is finding the resolved errors, data from natural conversations are more
preferred. The more natural the conversations run, the better the data would be
gained.Besides spontaneous everyday conversation, live TV shows can also serve
as objects of investigation of repair, since they are considered as spontaneous
even though they are broadcasted on TV.
According to Timberg (2002:3), talk show is a television
genre that serves a fresh talk which is anchored by a host or team of hosts,
whose job is to direct, guide, and set the limit of the talk that is elicited
from guests on the air.Furthermore, he (2002:204) explains that fresh talk
means talk that appears to be spontaneous. The topic which is discussed in a talk
show is frequently related to the current issues or the special features of the
guest(s). The Oprah Winfrey Show is a US talk show syndicate which is
airedaround the world. Oprah official site explains that the talk show is licensed
to 150 countries internationally for more than two decades. The name is gained
from the host’s name, Oprah Winfrey.
This research employs the special episode of The Oprah
Winfrey Show presenting Michael Jackson as a guest star. Michael Jackson was an
American singer, songwriter, and dancer. His contributions in music industry made
him a global figure over decades. Despite his success he had ever encountereda
problem in 1993 that kept him hide from the world. Through her talk show, Oprah
tried to reveal the secret behind his silence and answered people’s questions
at once. Therefore, this episode becomes a special episode since the talk show took
place in Neverland instead of Oprah studio and ranfor60 minutes.