The Procedure of Brainstorming

The Procedure of Brainstorming

According to Decoda (2015: 3) Brainstorming provides opportunities for students to generate ideas or solve problems. In addition, this activity prepares students to use brainstorming as a tool for work and personal planning. It also teaches them to arrange the ideas they have produced in a logical order, into a priority list, or other meaningful units and evaluate which ideas are related to a topic, problem or situation, and which ideas are interesting but not relevant to the topic. The Brainstorming procedure as follows:

a.       “Introduce a topic, ask questions and ask students to write their ideas on the board (or give them to one person writing responses on the board), either as part of a list or in the form of a graphic organizer. 

b.      Keep asking for more ideas and offer some of your own. 

c.       Guide the brainstorm by scribing ideas as they come, stopping any comments that evaluate ideas, inviting new ideas, and encouraging the group to share their ideas freely. Help generate energy and free-thinking through encouragement. 

d.      Organize the ideas and make the organization explicit, saying something like Ah, you said we needed emergency supplies, so let me put “water” and “flashlight” under emergency supplies. 

e.       After a few simple brainstorms on topics that students are familiar with, demonstrate how brainstorming works and set some ground rules. 

·         All ideas, however simple, creative, or off the wall are welcome. 

·         No one will comment on the ideas during the brainstorm. 

·         If you wish, offer a one minute "quiet period" before the brainstorm for people to reflect upon or start lists of ideas on their own. 

f.       Explain what will be done with the brainstormed ideas.  

g.      Ask for clarification of any ideas that are not clear to you or others”


In addition School Drug Education and Road Aware or SDERA (2013:193) point out the procedure of Brainstorming as follows

a.       Select a topic, question, statement or issue and write this on the board.

b.      Set up the rules for the brainstorm:

·         Share whatever comes to mind

·         The more ideas the better

·         Every idea counts – no answer is wrong

·         No ‘put downs’ or criticisms

·         Build on others’ ideas

·         Write ideas as said – no paraphrasing

·         Record each answer unless it is a repeat

·         Set a time limit and stop when that time is up.

c.       Students consider the topic and respond. Ideas can be written randomly on the board or you may choose to write the responses on post-it notes and have students cluster the responses after the brainstorm.

d.      Read and discuss the recorded ideas and clarify any questions where necessary. Group ideas that are similar and eliminate those that do not relate to the topic. Discuss the remaining ideas as a group and decide how the information can be further used


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