and Burks (1980:378-383) divide forms of writing into four divisions namely
narration, description, exposition and argumentation.
1. Narration
Narration is the form of writing
used to relate the story of acts or events. It places occurrences in time and
tells what happened according to natural time sequences. Types of narration
include short stories, novels, and new stories, as well as large part of our
everyday social interchange in the form of letters and conversation.
2. Description
Description reproduces the way
things look, smell, taste, feel, or sound. It may also evoke moods, such as
happiness, loneliness, or fear. It is used to create a visual image of people,
places, even of units of time-days, times of day, or seasons. It may be used
also to describe more than the outward appearance of people. It may tell about
their traits of character or personality.
3. Exposition
Exposition is used in giving
information, making explanations, and interpreting meanings. It includes
editorials; essay, and informative and instructional material. Used in
combination with narrative, exposition supports and illustrates. Used apart
from narrative, it stands alone as an essay. Used alone or with narrative,
exposition may be developed in a number of ways as follows:
a) Process.
Exposition may be used to explain a process that is to tell how something is
made or done.
b) Definition.
An explanation of what a word or a term means is another kind of exposition.
The simplest form is a statement and this applies to dictionary definitions.
c) Analysis.
It divides a subject into parts and examines those parts.
d) Criticism.
It involves evaluation, which is analyzing and weighing strengths and
4. Argumentation
Argumentation is used in persuading
and convincing. It is closely related to exposition and it is often found
combined with it. The aim is to make a case or to prove or disprove a statement
or proposition. It may present arguments to persuade the reader to accept an
idea or a point of view.
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