Procedures of Using Shared Reading Strategy

 Procedures of Using Shared Reading Strategy 

According to Fountas (2010), the procedures of using shared reading strategy are as follows:

1.         Select a text which has a teaching point that meets the needs of specific students. Make sure that all students can see the enlarged text.

2.         Discuss with the students the topic to tap their prior knowledge about this topic.

3.         State the purpose of the lesson and why the book was selected.

4.         Invite students to predict the text from the cover, title, and illustrations.

5.         Give a short stimulating introduction. When reading to emergent readers, do a picture walk through the book during the introduction.

6.         Read the text as naturally as possible with few stops. Focus on meaning. Encourage students to join in as they are able. Model realistic reactions to the text.

7.         Encourage students to predict as they read, drawing on their understanding of the text and their knowledge of the structure of language.

8.         Introduce the use of prompts to help the students predict the text and confirm their predictions.

9.         Encourage students to talk about the text. Help them notice the text features.

10.     Reread the text several times. With each rereading, students will be able to join in, as the text becomes more familiar.


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