“Improving the students speaking ability through Ice
Breaker method to the seventh year students of SMP ”
teaching of English covers four skills, namely reading, writing, speaking and
listening. Listening and reading are said to be receptive, while speaking and
writing are said to be productive. Speaking in foreign language is very complex
task because the speaker has to understand the nature of what appears to be
involved. For example,
learners need linguistic competence
to be able
to use the
language appropriately to
give context. It means
that learners must
also acquire knowledge
of how the
native speaker uses the language in the context of structured
interpersonal exchange, in which many factors
teaching and learning has the goal of focusing students so that they are able
to use English for communication and as a tool for furthering their studies. In
the process of teaching and learning, the four language skills (listening,
speaking, reading, and writing) are simultaneously performed. Normally,
learners in an EFL context do not use the language in authentic situations.
They possess inability in communicating appropriately and correctly. In foreign
language teaching and learning, ability to speak is the most essential skill
since it is the basic for communication and it is the most difficult skill.
Speaking English is the most difficult for learners (Oradee 2012:533).
speaking is one important matter in learning language but it is not a simple
work to do. Basically, the students only speak English but they do not pay
attention to the sentence structure and correct pronunciation. Besides, the
students still have limited vocabulary, due to they are seldom practice their
English language. Some of the students are shy to have an opportunity in
speaking, they prefer to be silent in speaking activity. The researcher has
found similar case in class where the students cannot say something perfectly
in English. They do not know what they must say and how to say, they look very
confuse to express the ideas on their mind even not active enough on their
speaking class.
This problem appears at the seventh
grade students of SMP where the Speaking
ability of the students is still low. It is proved by their mean score in
learning English when they were at the second semester in academic year 2014/2015
namely class VII1 (68.23), class VII2 (70.17), class VII3
(69.81), class VII4 (72.28), and class VII5 (69.37). It
can be calculated that their mean sores were average 70.56 and classified as
fair classification. Where the standard score for English is minimal score 75.
is no specific method to teach English, teacher not controlling the class but
controlled by the class and situation. Speaking is the most important lesson
that the students should be mastered, but in fact speaking becomes the most
difficult lesson to understand by the students, so thatthe speaking always becomes
passive class in every meeting. To solve the problem in this research, the researcher
would like to usedIce Breaker
Fletcher and Kunst (2006: 6) give explanation that “People
have got to get to know each other in social change work. Sometimes we assume
that just because we share a common interest to get to know each other, and that’s just not true!
Projects will go on for months before people really get comfortable with each
other. These method(Ice Breaker) are great for introductions and getting to know people in
new environments or to reminder us who we’re working with in established
According to Eggleston (2002:3) Ice-breakers used to
build community in class and also to introduce the upcoming topical matter. The
using ice-breaker activities allows students to be more engaged and interested
in the topic. Ice-breakers are certainly
necessary in the first days of a course, but ice-breakers also used to build
community throughout the semester and to introduce new course material.
Based on the explanation above the researcher will
apply the Ice Breaker in teaching speaking at the classroom under the title “Improving the Students’ Speaking Ability
Through Ice Breaker
Method to The Seventh Year Students of SMP “
By looking over the background,
the researcher formulate the
problem statement as follow: “Can
the use of Ice Breaker improve the speaking ability of the seventh year
students of SMP Negeri 5 Parepare?”
D. Objective of the Research.
Based on the problem statement above, the objective of the research can be stated as follows “To find out the result of using Ice Breaker to improve students’ speaking ability to the seventh gradestudents of SMP
of the Research.
significance of this research can
contribute some benefits to students and teachers. They are:
1. It may motivate students to improve their interest in speaking sincethey will find out that English speaking materials are not always complicated, boring, monotonous, and discussing uninteresting matters only. It is expected that students will find out that they can learn English through many sources that they like. By using Ice Breaker as teaching media, hopefully, the students will improve their speaking ability, which finally will help them to master English well.
2. It may show teacher that Ice Breaker and other forms of interesting ways can be used for teaching speaking. At least, those kinds of material will become a stimulantntto build students’ interest in speaking. Moreover, this will give teachers inspiration in improving their teaching method so that they can attract students and will finally improve the students’ mastery of the material that they taught.
of The Research
The scope of the research which is restricted by discipline, content,
and activity, is explained as follows: This divided into three parts as follow:
1. By discipline: this research is limited
to the field of applied linguistics, the teaching subject in terms of speaking ability by using Ice Breaker.
2. By contents: this research covered some component of speaking there are Mechanics
(pronunciation, grammar, and vocabulary).
3. By activity: the researcher used two
ways in teaching vocabulary, they were:
a. For the experimental group, the
researcher teach speaking by using Ice Breaker. The researcher
Focus on building the group, planning
an icebreaker, give yourself plenty of time to describe the activity and
debrief the activity and use
the discomfort as a topic for discussion.
b. For the control group, the researcher
teach speaking by using traditional
method. The researcher prepare the text
and then asks the students to speak.
HUB 085398507498