Puskás (2016: 10)
explanin the Teaching children is a very broad term since ‘child’ and
‘childhood’ cannot be fixed into strict age brackets. However, it is crucial to
clarify what we mean by the concept of ‘young learners’ in terms of English
language teaching. Young learners have been defined by a variety of scholars
and researchers, focusing mainly on children of pre-school and primary school
ages. Even within this definition there are differences from country to
Puskás divides young
learners into three groups. The first is children who start pre-school at about
the age of three, the second is the group of children who start primary school
at around the age of 5-7 and finish primary school 11 or 12, although in some
countries it happens at around the age of 13 or 14. Pinter calls children from
the age of 13 onwards ‘early adolescents’1. In Slovakia, children usually start
their primary school education at the age of 6 or 7 and finish at around the
age of 15, whereas primary schooling is often divided into lower primary and
upper primary years. It means that at the age of 13 children are still in their
primary school years and do not change to secondary or high school yet. Of
course, the variation in school types and ages shows a complex picture across
different countries.
Esteve (2016: 17) Young
learners have plenty of opportunities to explore and grasp new vocabulary
during their English lessons. Vocabulary can be taught using different
techniques. It can be introduced by the teacher, or through games, songs,
stories and through other materials that are available in the classes.
Vocabulary can also be learnt through class interaction. It can be from teacher
to students or vice versa and students to students. Through interaction, plenty
of this vocabulary is automatically absorbed. It is useful to make a
distinction between direct and indirect vocabulary learning. In direct
vocabulary learning the learners do exercises and activities that focus their
attention on vocabulary. However, in indirect vocabulary learning the learners’
attention is focused on some other features, usually the message that is
conveyed by a speaker or writer.
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