Definition of Self Talk Strategy
Bernard (2005: 3) Self-talk refers
to statements people make to themselves, either internally or aloud, and has
been defined as an internal dialogue in which the individuals interpret
feelings and perceptions, regulate and change evaluations and cognitions and
give themselves instructions and reinforcement
Zetou, Nikolaos & Evaggelos
(2014: 27) Defines Self Talk Strategy as a expressions or statements that
address ourselves, being multidimensional from its nature, having explanatory
points that coincide with the content of the statements that are said,
dynamics, and accomplishing, at least two functions: a guiding and a motivating
function. This underlines the importance of language to the development of
thought and, hence, the development of action.
Parvizi, Daneshfar & Shojaei
(2012: 2303) Self-talk is the usage of verbal cues during performance by
performers to focus of attention on the key aspects of the skill. Self-talk
has two main
functions. Instructional self-talk
improves the performance
through focusing of attention on the movement, correct
technique or performance of the proper strategy and Motivational self-talk
improves the performance by increasing the
energy and effort
and is used
to control the
arousal and anxiety
Linnér, L. (2010: 1) defined
self-talk as what people say to themselves either out loud or as a small voice
inside their head, occurs whenever an
individual thinks, whether making statements internally or externally and an
internal dialogue the individual interprets feelings and perceptions, regulates
and changes evaluations and convictions, and gives him/herself instructions and
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