Definition of Reciprocal Strategy

Definition of Reciprocal Strategy

Reciprocal Teaching is strategy to help reading comprehension for students who find this difficult. It involves them in: questioning, summarizing, clarifying and predicting what the text will say/cover next [1]

Reciprocal Teaching is incorporates instruction in explicit cognitive strategies into a social dialogue initially led by the teacher and gradually managed by students in a collaborative context. these theories employ cognition as a social process by which students learn to make sense of what they have read, while working in a group setting that empowers students to ask questions and seek clarification from peers[2].

Reciprocal Teaching is one of these research-based instructional procedures that incorporate multiple strategy instruction. Thus, a reciprocal teaching intervention program that would develop the reading  comprehension of  students  with  dyslexia  in  a  foreign  language  classroom  through  direct instruction of multiple strategies could provide a suitable approach for them[3]

Reciprocal Teaching is instructional method aimed to combine explicit comprehension instruction with metacognitive awareness. It was initially introduced in the United States in an attempt to improve reading comprehension in poor comprehenders and proved most influential gaining as an effective practice that improves students reading comprehension[4]

[1] Petty, G (2009) Evidence-Based Teaching. A Practical Approach. Second Edition. United Kingdom Page 65

[2] Eltzer. J, Cook. N, and Clark. H (2010). Adolescent Literacy Resources: Linking Research and Practice South Hampton, New Hampshire. Page 53

[3] Efstratia, K (2017) The Effect of Direct Strategy Instruction through Reciprocal Teaching on the Reading Comprehension and Strategy Use of English  Foreign Language Learners with Dyslexia. International Journal of Language and Linguistics. Athina, Greece. ISSN ISSN 2374-8850. Page 112-113

[4] McHugh. M (2016) The Effectiveness of Reciprocal Reading as an Intervention for Underachieving Children. The STeP Journal, 3(1), ISSN. 134-157 Page. 138


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