Definition of List Group Lable (LGL) Strategy

Definition of List Group Lable (LGL) Strategy

List-Group-Label is very similar to Brainstorming, but the benefit of this activity is that students organize the knowledge that they have generated. List-Group-Label is an easy-to-use strategy that uses listing, grouping/labeling, and follow-up.  List-Group-Label is a way to teach students to organize verbal concepts[1]

List group label strategy helps students work with new terminology and internalize vocabulary.  It teaches students vocabulary and builds their critical analysis abilities, because it requires them to think about how to group or categorize things, and why they are doing so.  A list-group-label should also help students to organize their thought processes[2]

List-Group-Label (LGL), also called semantic mapping, is designed to encourage children to improve their vocabulary and categorization skills, organize their verbal concepts, aid them in remembering and reinforcing new words, and activate their prior knowledge about the subject[3]. 

The rationale behind this strategy is based on the notion that categorizing words can help children organize new words and experiences in relation to previously learned words. LGL attempts to improve upon the way in which children learn and remember new words.

[1] Jetton & Dole (2004) Organizing for Effective Content Area Reading Instruction

[2] Bevington (1988) Teaching Strategies; List-Group-Label

[3] Taba, H. (1967). Teacher's handbook for elementary social studies. Reading, MA: Addison- Wesley


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