Concept of Validity

 Concept of Validity

Validity is concerned with how accurate the test measure and the appropriate of the test for the subjects. Ary et al (2006:225) defines validity as the extent to which an instrument measured what it claimed to measure. In other words, validity can be defined as the instrument that measures what is supposed to be measured. In this study, to ensure tests validity the researcher used construct validity, content validity and face validity.

a. Face Validity

Face validity refers to the surface of the test. It means that a test have to look as if it measures what is supposed to measure (Isnawati, 2012:29).Face validity is hardly a scientific concept, yet it is very important. A test which doesn’t have face validity may not be acceptable by test-takers, teachers, education authorities and employers. a song and they should fill the gaps based on the song that they listened to. From

b. Construct Validity

A test is said to have construct validity if it can be demonstrated that it measures just the ability which is supposed to measure (Isnawati, 2012:29). Construct validity is capable of measuring certain specific characteristics in accordance with theory of language behavior and learning.

c. Content Validity

Content validity refers to the validity which is seen from the content of the test as the representation of language skills (Isnawati, 2012:27).It also means that there is correspondence between curriculum objectives and the objectives being tested. In other words, the objectives of the test are not outside from the curriculum objectives that have been set by educational policy.


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