Concept of Classroom Action Research (CAR) and Using in Listen read discuss strategy

Classroom Action Research (CAR)

A.  Definition of Classroom Action Research CAR

John Elliot (2001:1) states that, "Action research is the process through which teachers collaborate in evaluating their practice jointly; raise awareness of their personal theory; articulate a shared conception of values; try out new strategies to render the values expressed in their practice more consistent with the educational values they espouse; record their work in a form which is readily available to and understandable by other teachers; and thus develop a shared theory of teaching by researching practice."

Frances Rust and Christopher Clark (2003:4) states that, action research is taking action to improve teaching learning plus systematic study of the action and its consequences, and also it’s typically designed and conducted by practitioners who analyze data from their workplace to improve their own practice.

From the explanation above, researcher conclude that, class action research is a research to change thing to do better than before, in the process teaching learning by using teaching strategy.

A.   Procedure of class action research (CAR)

        This section presented a description of the procedure of the class action reserach, which includes the stage of the planning , the action, the observation, and reflection, each of which can be discribed as follows :

1.      Planning

The research and her collaborator designed the action plan collaboratively in this research. The activities in this stage included :

a)      Design a lesson plan

Before implementing the technique of teaching reading comprehension by using L-R-D strategy, the researcher and her collaborative teacher designed a lesson plan so that the implemention of the technique run well.

b)      Preparing the criteria of succes, consists of :

Ø  The students should be active to involve in the work the execise.

Ø  The students can obtain the minimum score 7.0

   c)         The students can make one point progress in their reading comprehension.

2.      Acting

a).        The teacher handle the class and gives the students material of reading.

b)        The teacher implementing the L-R-D strategy in three steps namely :

Ø  Listen : The researcher present the content of the  reading to builds students’ prior knowledge before their read a text and engage the students prior knowledge with present the material relation of the topic in explanation form, this step has purpose to give them new information relevant their prior knowledge.   

Ø  Read   : The students read the selection, guided by the idea that the reading may provide another understanding or interpretation of the content.

Ø  Discuss : The research as leader in the classroom discusson of the material, for sharing infrormation about the text In this steps the students active and freely to given their idea.  

3.    Observing

In this phase the research observer the student’s response, participation of the students and everything which is found during the teaching learning process happened.

4.    Reflecting

Reflecting was the stage in which all relevant data that were analyzed. The  are two main activities conducted of this stage, namely ; analyzing the data and reflection the action.  After collecting the data, the writer will evaluate the teaching –learning process. Then, the writer will reflect herself by seeing the result of the observation, whether the teaching learning process of using L-R-D strategy is good to improve the students comprehension or not. If the first plan is unsuccessful the writer should make the next plan (re planning) to get result.


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