Concept of Body Language (Definition and Advantages)
a) Definition of Body Language
Givens (2002: 481) Body language is the lay term for nonverbal communication. Body language is an important – and often decisive – factor in risk communication. This is especially true of communicators, who need to show congruency between the oral information and their body language when transmitting a message, because only if they manage to do so will the message be effective. Body language is an element in communication that we should be very much aware of because it gives clues to the character, emotions, and reactions of an individual.
Özüorçun (2013: 73) Body language is a means of communication which includes body movements of the head, eyes, neck, hands, arm, feet or other parts of the body to reflect expressions. These body movements send messages to the receiver and they are primarily used to reflect our emotions or to support the verbal message
b) The Advantages of Body Language
Valley (2013:6) defines the advantages of body language as a Power of Body Language:
1) It is honest: Body language conveys truth, even when words do not.
2) Creates self awareness: Understanding body language helps you identify your own actions that hinder success.
3) Understand feelings: Body language shows feelings and motive such as aggression, submission, deception, etc. Use these as cues to your communication.
4) Enhance listening and communication skills: Paying attention to body language makes someone a better listener. Hear between the words spoken to what is being said.
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