is important in our daily communication. People communicate with other or
express their feelings, by using language. According to Amberg & Vause
(2000: 1) Language is foremost a means of communication, and communication almost
always takes place within some sort of social context. This is why effective
communication requires an understanding. It means that language is very
important for communication in our daily life. And language is one of the
instrument of communication. Language is a means of communication. By using
language, people can express ideas, thoughts, opinions and their minds.
Language in the world is the most important means in life because it is
impossible for people to communicate with other and carry on their daily
activities without using language. Among those language, English is one of the
international languages. As international language, English has many important
English has been becoming number one topic that is being talked by scientist.
It is because, almost every person in this earth needs to study English.
Learning English is very important. English is essential for education
advancement or career development and for interaction with people in other
countries. Besides, English is also used to develop science, technology and
culture. Based on the national education system, there are four skills which
must be acquired by students in learning English, they are reading, listening,
speaking and writing. Furthermore, English also has three components that are
vocabulary, grammar and pronunciation.
Among the four basic skills, reading is one of the most important skills
in learning language because the success of their learning depends on the
greater part of their ability to read. Based on Cline, F., Johnstone, C., &
King, T. (2006: 2) Reading is the process of deriving meaning from text. For
the majority of readers, this process involves decoding written text. Some
individuals require adaptations such as braille or auditorization to support
the decoding process. Understanding text is determined by the purposes for
reading, the context, the nature of the text, and the readers’ strategies and
are 11 genres of text in reading. They are descriptive, report, procedure,
explanation, analytical exposition, hortatory exposition, narrative, recount,
spoof, anecdote and news item. Spring (1999: 3) point out that report is useful
in both the academic and the business world, so whether you are planning to
continue your education or get a job after you complete your upgrading,
this is a skill you will definitely need,
A report is always expository writing; that is, it can be either informative or
on the important of teaching reading, there are so many methods and technique
to teach reading proposed by the experts. They try to find out the best method
for reading. Among of these methods are reading puzzles, story-mapping
technique, following instruction technique, etc. However, the teacher must
select the best one for her/his students. He/she must adjust the students’ characteristic
and level toward he method they choose. It has the aim to reach the
effectiveness of the chosen method.
success of teaching and learning process, including teaching and learning
speaking is greatly influenced by some
components namely the teacher, students, method, motivation, and the linguistic
factors. Learning speaking can be done effectively if the whole influencing
components support each other to reach the goal. So identifying the problems
and the causes of the problem in learning speaking is very important. So that
the speaking class will run well.
Based on the
researcher’s experience and preliminary observations on
the previous daily reading test of report text at the second
grade of SMP PGRI Tamalate Makassar,
the researcher found
the students had difficulties to
find the general or detail
information, the word meaning
and also generic
structure found in the
text. It meant
that those students could not
catch the ideas of the text and having
difficulties in comprehending the
text so that
they could not answer
the comprehension questions
Realizing to explnation above the researcher will use Two
Stay-Two Stray (Ts-Ts) Strategy. Two
Stay-Two Stray (Ts-Ts) Strategy requires students to work in group, in which they share their ideas to
others and exchange
them with other
groups, to obtain the best
understanding of the text.
The students will
work in group
then they will
try to share
what the group has comprehended
to other groups.
taking into account all the aspects above, a study on students' strategies in
overcoming speaking problems in speaking class of second semester at second grade
of SMP is consider to be worth conducting. The result of
this study is expect to provides valuable contribution to the betterment of the
English learning. By the reason above, the researcher will conduct a study
B. Research Statement
1. How is the students’ reading comprehension achievement after applies by Two Stay-Two Stray (TS-TS) Strategy at the second grade of SMP?
2. Are there any significant differences on the students’ reading achievement before and after using Two Stay-Two Stray (TS-TS) Strategy at the second grade of SMP?
C. Objective
of the Research
1. To find out the students’ reading achievement comprehension after using by Two Stay-Two Stray (TS-TS) Strategy at the second grade of SMP.
2. To find out whether there is any different on students’ reading comprehension achievement before and after using Two Stay-Two Stray (TS-TS) Strategy at the second grade of SMP
D. Significance
of the Research
The result of the study is intend to have several significances.
1. For the English teachers in SMP in order to offer them a good way to teach their students and help them in increasing their reading comprehension through cooperative learning, Two Stay Two Stray.
2. This study is also expected to bring good effect for students’ reading comprehension and also to achieve students’ reading achievement. Third, for the further research, it will provide them basic information about teaching reading by using two stay two stray techniques.
3. The researcher whishes that this study will help him to enrich his knowledge.
Scope of the Research
study is intend to find out significant different scores of the students in
reading comprehension achievement before and after using by Two Stay-Two Stray
(TS-TS) Strategy
other words, the study is directs to know whether or not a Two Stay-Two Stray
(TS-TS) Strategy is effective used to improve students’ achievement in reading
comprehension in report text. The study is conduct at second grade of SMP .
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