JUDUL SKRIPSI BAHASA INGGRIS VOCABULARY PART 1 (Synectic Comparison Strategy, Words Chains Games & Community Language Learning Method (CLLM))


JUDUL SKRIPSI BAHASA INGGRIS VOCABULARY PART 1 (Synectic Comparison Strategy, Words Chains Games & Community Language Learning Method (CLLM))


1.      Synectic Comparison Strategy

a.       The Use of Synectic Comparison Strategy in Teaching Vocabulary

b.      The Effect of Synectic Comparison Strategy to Improving the Students’  Vocabulary Mastery

2.      Words Chains Games

a.       The Use of Words Chains Games Increase the Vocabulary Mastery of the Second Year Students of SMU

b.      The Improving Students’ Vocabulary Mastery Through Words Chains Games

3.      Community Language Learning Method (CLLM)

a.       The Use of Community Language Learning Method (CLLM) in Teaching Vocabulary Mastery

b.      The Effectiveness of Using Community Language Learning Method (CLLM) in Teaching Vocabulary Mastery



1.      Synectic Comparison Strategy

a.       Definition

According to Preszler (2006: 21) Synectics is a strategy for comparing content to an unrelated object. It causes students to think about vocabulary words in creative ways. In a synectic comparison, the brain has to compare two things that aren’t usually compared. In addition, the strategy requires the brain to create pictures as it searches for comparisons. As a result, students are more likely to retain the information.

b.      Procedure

1)      Identify vocabulary words or content terms.

2)      Provide students with words not related to the content. Students may use these words to create their comparisons. For example, if the science content term is comet, you might provide students with the following options:

Toaster Speed       boat     Ice cream cone            Stallion

3)      Create an example to model the synectic.

A comet is like a _______________ because ___________.

A comet is like a toaster because it burns very hot.

4)      Share your example with the class. Explain your logic or thinking for the comparison. Give students the opportunity to list additional ways that a comet might be like a toaster.

5)      Ask students to create their own comparisons. Students may work in teams or pairs. Allow students to select from the comparison options you’ve provided or to select their own objects for comparison.

6)      Direct students to create a graphic illustration to accompany their synectics.

7)      Direct small groups to share their creations with the class.

2.      Words Chains Games

a.       Definition

Words chain game is a game on RCTI. This game is a words game which is called “kata berantai”. The purpose or playing this game is to increase and develop the students’ vocabulary mastery. The game involves the participant into two groups, they are three persons in each groups.

b.      Procedure

1)      Ask the students to bring the dictionary

2)      Make the students at ease

3)      Get them away from feeling nervous and tense

4)      Explain how to play the game very well.

3.      Community Language Learning Method (CLLM)

a.       Definition

Community Language Learning Method is counseling learning where it is a non-direct therapies approach which is designed to easing the learners in acquiring the target language. This design of CLLM discusses about activities of teaching learning using CLLM technique such as : objective, the syllabus, type learning and teaching activities, learner roles, and teacher roles

b.      Procedure

1)      Translation. Learners from a small circle. A learner whisper a message or meaning he or she want to express, the teacher translates it into the target language, and the learner repeats the teacher’s translation.

2)      Group work. Learners may engage in various group tasks, such as small group discussion of a topic, preparing a conversation, preparing a summary of a topic for presentation to other group. Preparing a story that will be presented to the teacher and the rest of the class.

3)      Recording. Students record conversations in the target language.

4)      Transcription. Students transcribe utterances and conversation they have recorded for practice and analysis of linguistic forms.

5)      Analysis. Students analyze and study transcriptions of target language sentence in order to focus on particular lexical usage or on the application of particular grammar rules.

6)      Reflection and observation. Learners reflect and report on their experience of the class, as a class or in groups.

7)      Listening. Students listen to a monologue by the teacher involving elements they might have elicited or over hear in class interactions

8)      Free conversation. Students engage in free conversation with the teacher or with other learners


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