Definition of Pronunciation

Definition of Pronunciation

              Pronunciation  is  one  of  the  important  aspects  in  English,  especially  in oral  communication.  Every  sound,  stress  pattern,  and  intonation  may  convey meaning. The non native speakers of English who speak English have to be very careful  in  pronouncing  some  utterances  or  he  may  create  misunderstanding.  So, having  an  intelligible  pronunciation  is  necessary  rather  than  having  a  native-like pronunciation. Here is pronunciation definition from some experts:

              Based on Elmaksoud (2013:2) Pronunciation refers to the production of sounds which are  used  to  make  meaning.  Pronunciation  includes attention  to  the  particular  sounds  of  a  language (segments),  aspects  of  speech  beyond  the  level  of  the individual  sound,  such  as  intonation,  phrasing,  stress, timing,  rhythm  (suprasegmental  aspects),  how  the  voice is projected (voice quality) and, in its broadest definition, attention  to  gestures  and  expressions  that  are  closely related  to  the  way  we  speak  a  language.  Abroad definition  of  pronunciation  includes  both  suprasegmental and segmental features. Although these different aspects of  pronunciation  are  treated  in  isolation  here,  it  is important  to  remember  that  they  all  work  in  combination when  we  speak,  and  are  therefore  usually  best  learned as an integral part of spoken language.

              According  to  Oxford  Advanced  Learner‟s  English  Dictionary, pronunciation  is  a  way  in  which  a  language  or  a  particular  word  or  sound  is spoken. This definition has clear information as follows: 

1.      Pronunciation is a way of producing something.

2.      The product of this act is language or word or sound.

            Murcia (2011:1) explain the goal of teaching pronunciation to learners is not to make them sound like native speakers of English. With the exception of a few highly gifted and motivated individuals, such a goal is unrealistic. A more modest and realistic goal is to enable learners to surpass the threshold level so that their pronunciation will not detract from their ability to communicate.

From the definitions above, it can be concluded that pronunciation is the particular  way  of  speaking  a  word  or  phrase  which  is  accepted  or  generally understood (intelligible)


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