Concept of Speaking
1. Definition of Speaking
and Slade, (2006:17)speaking
defined as a
social, multi-sensory speech
event, whose topic
is unpredictable. Speaking
is social, in the
sense that it establishes rapport and mutual agreement, maintains and modifies
social identity, and involves interpersonal skills. This social element
is expressed through
wishes, feelings, attitudes, opinions and
judgments, which can
clash with the
formal nature of the
classroom when teaching speaking.
Gumperz (1999),
speaking is cooperatively
constructed which is based on contributions, assumptions, expectations,
and interpretations of the participants‘ utterance.
is an interactive process of constructing meaning that involves producing and
receiving and processing information (Brown, 1994; Burns & Joyce, 1997 in Florez
Thornbury, (2005: 9) which
Speaking is also
a multi-sensory activity
because it involves paralinguistic features
such as eye-contact,
facial expressions, body
language, tempo, pauses, voice quality changes, and pitch variation affect conversational flow.
It seems that culture
is integral in
howspeaking is constructed
which has implications
for how English
speaking is taught and learned.
2. Kinds of Speaking
Speaking is commonly divided in two kinds namely speaking
competency and speaking performance. In this research will explain the further.
a. Speaking competency
Martin H Manser (2011:12) state
that competency is having ability, skill and knowledge to do something. Then
through this basic definition, we also may conclude that speaking competency is
the ability of someone to speak in combining their inclusive skill and how to
delivered competence is what one knows.
Speaking performance
Martin H Manser in Muliadi R
(2011:12) state that performance is the person’s process or manner of a play.
Therefore we may conclude that speaking performance is the way of one’s manner
is speaking with access their opinion with accuracy
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