Concept of Interest Definition and Types of Interest
Definition of Interest
In general, interest is related to intrinsic
motivation and is cantered on the individual’s inherent curiosity and desire to
know more about himself or herself and his or her environment. Zoltan
(2001: 110) are sources of motivation which drive people to do what they want
to do when they are free to choose.
(1986:30) says interest is a constant inclination in a subject to feel
interested in a certain thing and feel pleased to do it. Students interested in
reading English will be active and pay serious attention to what is read. Magliano (2011) Interest describes a particular relationship between a person and
a content area that is characterized by focused attention and positive affect.
to Slameto (2003) interest is persisting tendency to
pay attention to and enjoy
some activities or
content. This definition tells us
that an interest is shown by a pay attention and enjoyment in any activity. So,
by having interest we are going to be able to get attention in learning fully.
It means that
when a person
is interested in
something he/she will pay
it full attention
and also feels
enjoyable it. In
other words, in teaching-learning process,
a teacher needs
paying attention on
students‟ interest and need,
because both of
them caused an
attention. Something interest and
needed by students make them to learn seriously.
From the definitions explained
above, the researcher conclude that interest is the internal power as sources
of motivation in learning process. It makes students easier to involve in the
subject because they will pay attention fully
on that subject
in this case
is speaking. In
term of mental
condition, interest does not only
form ones behavior but also support him or herself to the activity in reading and as
a result, one pays attention and makes him or herself to be a part in
the activities.
Types of Interest
and Jetton (2000)
gave a detailed
review of definitions
and categories of interest. They
introduced two main
dimensions of interest
involved in the
reading process: situational
and individual. Individual
interest subsumes the
readers’ preferences for certain
text topics or subject matter, and this interest exists before reading a
particular text and Situational interest refers to interest caused by
situational factors, such as the text
and test; a
particular situation can
influence situational interest,
and is therefore
not enduring
Hidi and Anderson
(1992) defined text-based
situational interest as
interest that is activated
by text through
topics or ideas
that are of
universal appeal. Hidi
(1990) noted that, whereas
individual interest research
tends to focus
on individual differences,
research that deals with the
“interestingness” of a situation focuses on the effect of interest across individuals.
Similarly, recognizing that interest can be evoked by sources other than text
characteristics, she concluded that the
term situational interest
should be adopted
to describe all
environmentally-triggered interest of which text-based interest should
be considered as one sub-type. In addition to
these two categories,
topic interest, that
is, interest triggered
when a specific
theme is presented, was yet
another topic investigated.
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