Concept and Types of Interest
In general, interest is related to intrinsic motivation and is cantered
on the individual’s inherent curiosity and desire to know
more about himself or herself and his or her environment. Zoltan
(2001: 110) states that
interest is on of the sources of motivation which drive
people to do what they want to do when they are free to choose.
Winkel (1986:30) says
interest is a constant inclination in a subject to feel interested in a certain
thing and feel pleased to do it. Students who are interested in reading English will be active and
pay serious attention to what is read. Magliano (2011) Interest describes that interest is a particular
relationship between a person and a content area that is characterized by focusing attention and positive affect.
According to Slameto
(2003) interest is persisting tendency
to pay attention
to and enjoy
some activities or
content. This definition tells us
that an interest is shown by paying
attention and enjoyment in any activity. So, by having interest we are going to
be able to get attention in learning
fully. It means
that when a
person is interested
in something he/she will
pay it full
attention and also
feels enjoy in it. In
other words, in teaching-learning process,
a teacher needs
paying attention on
students‟ interest and need, because
both of them
cause an attention.
Something interest and needed by students make them to learn seriously.
the definitions explained above, the researcher concludes that interest is the internal power as
sources of motivation in learning process. It makes students easier to involve
in the subject because they will pay attention fully on the
subject being studied. In term
of mental condition, interest does not only form ones behavior but also support him or
herself to the activity in reading and
as a result, one pays attention and
makes him or herself to be a part in the activities.
Types of Interest
Eidswick (2009) defines Interest is commonly categorized as situational
interest, individual interest and topic interest.
interest is an emotional state aroused by features of environmental or textual
stimuli. Characteristics that have been found to arouse situational interest
include textual coherence and comprehensibility, novelty and personal relevance
interest is considered to be a stable and enduring inclination to engage with
activities or four-phase model of
interest development wherein situational interest, when provided with social
support, can develop into increasingly committed levels of individual
topic interest refers to interest prompted by a certain topic or
theme. It appears to share qualities of both situational and individual
interest with contributions of either depending on individuals’ knowledge,
experiences and the perceived value of a topic.
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