Teaching Listening to EFL students

Teaching Listening to EFL students

            The era of  the implementation of School-Based Curriculum (SBC) is ended by the implementation of the new curriculum, called the 2013 curriculum. As usual, when a new curriculum is launched reactions from various  groups and sub-groups  of community such as: education observers, non-government organizations (NGOs), politicians, parents, etc.

According to Kusumaningsih (2013:5) Indonesian  language  to  be  choice  for  integration  scientific  and  social  competence  in curriculum  2013.  That  integration  brings  the  implementation  that  every  study  has  to  make Indonesian  language  to  find  the  content  of  the  science.  Indonesian  language  is  a  language science. Therefore that curriculum 2013 brings the scientific approach in the learning  process.  This  scientific  approach  is  a  learning  process  that  support  creativity

Putra (2014: 8) In  the  theory  adopted  by  Curriculum  2013,  model  of  stages  of language  learning,  the  teaching  and  learning  process  is  designed  to  be  in  order from  listening,  speaking,  reading,  to  writing,  called  as  priorities  for  L2  activities in  the  development  of  interpersonal  competence . It indicates  that  the  focus  of  this  curriculum  is  primarily  on  enabling  students  to produce oral and written discourse.


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