Definition of Vocabulary
Ferreira (2007, p. 20) point out
many authors have similar definitions about
vocabulary. Vocabulary can be
defined as a
powerful carrier of
meaning and the knowledge of words and their meanings. This means
that without establishing
a strong vocabulary
base first, comprehension
and use of a
language will not be achieved. In addition, the student should be able to
recognize words, and know their meanings as well. Thus, when a student is
effectively able to recognize and use a word in different contexts, speak,
write, pronounce the word well, she/he has the knowledge and meaning of that
Vocabulary can be defined as “the
words we must know to communicate effectively: words in speaking (expressive
vocabulary) and words in listening (receptive vocabulary)” an extensive body of
research exists on teaching and learning vocabulary.
Holmes (1918, p. 34) Vocabulary is
the words you have to know to read a story, secondary students might define
vocabulary as a list of words given by the teacher in order to comprehend a
given text. Vocabulary is stored information about the meanings and
pronunciations of words necessary for communication.
Foreign language vocabulary
knowledge is an increasingly important area in the field of Applied
Linguistics, Central to the investigation within foreign language vocabulary
knowledge is the distinction between productive and receptive vocabulary
knowledge types. Receptive vocabulary is understood as a passive skill which
involves the perception of a word and the understanding of its meaning in
listening and reading. Productive vocabulary refers to an active skill that
covers word production so as to match the speakers’ intention in writing and
speaking (Nation 2001, p. 5)
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