A. Research Design
The research design in this study is descriptive qualitative research. Creswell (1994: 171) stated that descriptive method is collecting the qualitative data, analyzing data, and writing result. Based on definition above, descriptive method is a method to collect and analyze data, and draw conclusion of analyzed data.
Bogdan & Taylor (1990) qualitative research is procedure research that produces descriptive data of written words or utterances from people and actions that can be observed holistically. Therefore, the research is done by using leather method to get the data scientifically or comprehensively and comprehensively according to the background and the data obtained there is no engineering element therein. Greswell (1995) according research that is guided by the qualitative paradigm is defined as:
“An inquiry process of understanding a social or human problem based on building a complex, holistic picture, formed with words, reporting detailed views of informants, and conducted in a natural setting”.
In this case reinforced by Denzin & Lincoln (1998) qualitative research is more shown to achieve a detailed understanding of a particular organization or event, rather than describing the surface portion of a large sample of a population. This study also aims to explain the explicit meaning of structure, order, and broad patterns that exist within a group of participants. Qualitative research is called ethno-methodology or field research. This study produces human background data on the background. Qualitative research does not use behavior, or manipulate variables. This research is flexible so that it can be adjusted with the actual situation. Concepts, data collection tools, and data collection methods can be????