The Effectiveness of Using SMART Strategy in Reading Comprehension of second grade Students
This chapter discusses about background of the research, research problems, objectives of the research, research hypothesis, significance of the research, scope and limitation of the research, definition of key terms.
A. Background of the Research
English is one of international languages which has an important role in the world. In Indonesia, English is a foreign language that is taught from elementary school to University. English is a foreign language used as a medium of instruction at school, many students think that English is the most difficult subject.
The goal of teaching and learning English is to produce and comprehend language that are spoken and written. Some people think that a successful English learner is a person who can speak English fluently. They do not know that a person who is said a success English learners is a person who masters in all of English skills.
There are four skills in English, they are speaking, writing, listening and reading. One of the language skills that has to be mastered by students in learning a foreign language is reading skill. It is very important in the process of learning because reading in English helps the students learn to think in English, build English vocabulary, can encourage the students to focus on grammar and punctuation and makes them comfortable in English. Day and Bamford (1998:12) stated that reading is construction of meaning from a printed or written message. The construction of meaning involves the reader connecting information from the written message with previous knowledge to arrive at meaning at an understanding.
According to Day and Bamford, reading is process of constructing meaning from written text through the interaction of the reader’s knowledge and the reader’s interpretation of the languange that the writer used in constructing the text. Reading is about understanding written texts. It is a complex activity related processess: word recognition and comprehension. Word recognition refers to the process of perceiving how written symbols correspond to one’s spoken language. Meanwhile, comprehension is the process of making sense
words, sentences and connected texts. Readers typically make use of their background knowledge, vocabulary, grammatical knowledge, experience with the text and other strategies to help them understand the written text (Cahyono, 2011:76). Reading comprehension as an active process a reader made to construct meaning from a text. This process which consists of using an interaction between a prior knowledge, and drawing inferences from the different words and expressions the writer uses, in order to comprehend....................