The Influence of Using Four Square Writing toward
Students Recount Text Writing Ability at the Eight Grade Students of SMPN
This chapter presents
background of the
study, identification of problem,
limitation of the problem, research
problems, research objective
significance of the research and scope of the research.
There are four
main skills in
English: those are
reading, listening, writing, and
speaking. Reading and
listening are called
as receptive skill. While writing and speaking are called
productive skills. Writing which belongs
to productive skill means
that writing is
process in which the
writer produces something
that the content
is about writer’s thoughts, feelings, and or ideas.Language
is a primary tool in communication among human being in a community. Language
is a means of interaction between and
among people. Here,
language has function
as tool which connects them
with surrounding. In
the community, people
realize that without language
they cannot interact to each other.
Language can become a bridge that connect one another, even connect one
another that live in different places.
By using a
language someone can
gain information, knowledge, moreover expressing feeling, and
emotions. Nowadays, many people learn the international lanzguages. One of the
international languages is English (Larsen 2003)
Language is considered is one of the most substantial elements of education
and literacy. Its efficiency and commands come with the mastery in????????