Definition of Predicting
is one method that can be used to teach reading. Predicting involves previewing the text to anticipate what will
happen next. The thinking processes involved in predicting assist students in
making meaning (Block, Rodgers, & Johnson, 2004:5).
Predicting is
using knowledge of the subject matter to make predictions about content and
vocabulary and check comprehension; using knowledge of the text type and
purpose to make predictions about discourse structure; using knowledge about
the author to make predictions about writing style, vocabulary and content.
A prediction is
an educated guess about something that will come later in the text. The Predict
Strategy is a simple but powerful way to help you connect what you know with
what you are reading. Just as a detective looks for clues to solve a mystery,
you can find clues in a text about upcoming events and themes.
Making predictions while you read will help
you find meaning in a text. When you make a prediction, you engage with the
author's clues about what is important in the story, poem, speech or other
nonfiction text. Plus, it can be fun to find out whether things turn out as you
As you read, stop every once in a while and
think about what the author has written. Check the text and images for clues
about what might be important. If you're reading a story, try predicting what
you think will happen next. If you're reading a poem, speech, or essay, try
predicting the themes and main ideas the author will emphasize.