Concepts of REACT (Relating, Experiences, Applying, Cooperating and Transferring) Strategy

Concepts of REACT (Relating, Experiences, Applying, Cooperating and Transferring) Strategy
1.      Definition of REACT strategy
REACT (relating, experiences, applying, cooperating, and transferring) strategy is an effective strategy use in classroom to improve students’ proficiency. This method is recommended for teaching a skill because it covers all the necessary steps in an effective learning order. REACT strategy can encourage practicing and express students’ idea because the researcher choose the material base on the students experiences it means that something the students already knows. And then hands on activities and teacher explanation allow students to discover new knowledge. After that, students apply their knowledge to real word situation and solve the problems with their friends. And now, the researcher will explain more about REACT strategy (relating, experiences, applying, cooperating, and transferring). five essential forms of learning, such as:
a.       Relating
Learning in the context of life experience, or relating, is the kind of contextual learning that typically occurs with very young children. As children grow older, however, providing this meaningful context for learning becomes more difficult. The curriculum that attempts to place learning in the context of life experiences must, first, call the student’s attention to everyday sights, events, and conditions. It must then relate those everyday situations to new information to be absorbed or a problem to be solved.
b.      Experience
Experiencing learning in the context of exploration, discovery, and invention is the heart of contextual learning. However motivated or tuned-in students may become as a result of other instructional strategies such as video, narrative, or text-based activities, these remain relatively passive forms of learning. And learning appears to "take" far more quickly when students are able to manipulate equipment and materials and to do other forms of active research.
c.       Applying
Applying concepts and information in a useful context often projects students into an imagined future (a possible career) or into an unfamiliar location (a workplace). In contextual learning courses, applications are often based on occupational activities. This happens most commonly through text, video, labs, and activities.  Although, in many schools, these contextual learning experiences will be followed up with firsthand experiences such as plant tours, mentoring arrangements, and internships.
d.      Cooperating
Cooperating learning in the context of sharing, responding, and communicating with other learners is a primary instructional strategy in contextual teaching. The experience of cooperating not only helps the majority of students learn the material, it also is consistent with the real-world focus of contextual teaching. Employers espouse that employees who can communicate effectively, who share information freely, and who can work comfortably in a team setting are highly valued in the workplace. We have ample reason, therefore, to encourage students to develop these cooperative skills while they are still in the classroom. The laboratory, one of the primary instructional methods in contextual courses, is essentially cooperative. Typically, students work with partners to do the laboratory exercises; in some cases, they work in groups of three or four. Completing the lab successfully requires delegation, observation, suggestion, and discussion. In many labs, the quality of the data collected by the team as a whole is dependent on the individual performance of each member of the team. Students also must cooperate to complete small-group activities. Partnering can be a particularly effective strategy for encouraging students to cooperate.
e.       Transferring
Learning in the context of existing knowledge, or transferring, uses and builds upon what the student already knows. Such an approach is similar to relating, in that it calls upon the familiar. Most traditionally taught high school students, however, rarely have the luxury of avoiding new learning situations; they are confronted with them every day. We can help them retain their sense of dignity and develop confidence if we make a point of building new learning experiences on what they already know.
2.      REACT Procedure
REACT strategy a good strategy to make students speaking in the classroom. Learning with the REACT strategy can build students' understanding of English especially of. Students are group into nine study groups are heterogeneous. Researchers explain the duties and responsibilities of group members. After that, the researchers delivered an indicator of learning and motivate students and arouse students' prerequisite knowledge.
Here the teacher ask Students to working together in small groups to share their knowledge, solve existing problems in the worksheet, prepare reports, and present the results of the working group reports. Teacher's role is as mediator and facilitator to enable the students to use the five strategies that exist in the REACT strategy. At the end of the lesson the teacher also asks students to draw a conclusion from what has been learned. To find out more in-depth understanding of students performed the final test and interview measures. Using the medium of learning or teaching aids and worksheets that allow students to use the fifth component of REACT in their learning process so that the help and facilitate students in understanding the material to be learned. Teachers also must be able to motivate students who are passive or less daring their opinions when asked, and must also take action in case of things that can disrupt the learning process.

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