The Use of Blog in Teaching Recount Texts to improve Student’s Writing Ability

The Use of Blog in Teaching Recount Texts to improve Student’s Writing Ability
This  chapter  deals  with  background  of  the  study,  the  statement  of  the research  problem,  the  objectives  of  the  study,  significance  of  the  study, hypothesis, scope and limitation of the study, and definition of the key terms.

A.  Background of the Study 
Writing  can  offer  students  considerable  opportunities  to  increase  their vocabulary,  to  refine  their  knowledge  of  the  grammar,  and  how  well  their message  is  understood.  In  short,  writing  can  offer  more  opportunities  to  learn. Based on the Standard of Content (2006), the students must be master writing in form  of  short  functional  texts  such  as  narrative,  descriptive  and  recount  text  in daily life context. Therefore, writing is considered as the most important skills to be learned compare the other skills.
Most  students  in  Indonesia  consider  that  English  is  a  difficult  subject. Many  of  the  students  failed  test  or  to  continue  the  next  grade  only  because  of their mark of English are pouring. In SMAN 1 ?????? skill  in  English  language  because  it  plays  an  important  role  in  a  human communication.


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