The Effectiveness of Using English
Subtitled Video Towards Students’ Vocabulary Achievement at MTs
This chapter
presents introduction concerning
background of the
study, research questions, purpose
of the study,
significant of the
study, scope and limitation of
the study, formulation
of hypothesis, definition
of key terms
and thesis organizations.
A. Background of the study
language is one of the most important
languages in the world. By learning English,
we can communicate
with every people
in the world. Any kind of information in scientific
books or other references are written in English. It
is impossible to
read or to
understand them if we do
not know English. In
Indonesia, English is a foreign
language that is
taught formally and
informally at Elementary school until University. We can not deny how important learning English
now days.
English has
four skills, they
are: Reading, Writing,
Listening and Speaking. They can
not be separated each other. Beside those skills, English also consists
of some components
such as grammar,
pronunciation and vocabulary.
Vocabulary is a component in English that needs to be mastered by the
students. By having
rich vocabulary, students
can improve their listening, speaking,
reading and writing
abilities; not only?????????