The effectiveness of using context clues on the students’ vocabulary mastery of the fourth grade

The effectiveness of using context clues on the students’ vocabulary mastery of the fourth grade


In  this  chapter  the  researcher  presents:  background  of  the  study, formulation  of  the  research  problem,  objective  of  the  research,  hypothesis  of the  study,  significance  of  the  study,  scope  and  limitation  of  the  study, definition of key terms and thesis organization.
A.  Background of the study
English  as  a  language  for  international  communication  is  clearly needed  by  many  learners  to  deliver  through  and  interact  in  a  variety  of situation  through  the  language,  as  for  foreign  travel,  business  or  other professional reason. In Indonesia, English is one of international languages which take a widest range of using (Zaenuri, 2001:24). English is used for news  and  information  or  advertisement  in  newspapers,  radio,  and television.  Therefore,  English  is  regarded  as  the  first  foreign  language   taught in school, from the Elementary school to the university. 
The  function  of  teaching  English  at  Elementary  based  on Kurikulum Muatan Lokal is as a tool for self-expression in understanding and  using  English  so  that  the  students  may  become  clever  and  skilled citizens  who  are  not  isolated  from  the  environment  (Departemen pendidikan dan kebudayaan, 1994:29). Therefore, students are taught how to speak, read, listen and write in English. In order to achieve those goals, students  must  be  able  to  master  the  vocabulary  because  it  is  one  of  or  a????


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